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[RP News] Beware the Ides of March II: Coming Events.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Beware the Ides of March II: Coming Events

Tuesday, March 13th 2012

New Magincian Trading Co.: Mining Night
Time: 7:00 PM PST.
Location: The Gazebo in New Magincia.
Hosts: Lynne Zellinous.

Wednesday, March 14th 2012

New Magincia Trading Co.: The Dark Titan (Corgul)
Time: 7:00 PM PST.
Location: The Docks of New Magincia.
Hosts: Valek Typhoon.

Thursday, March 15th 2012

The Healer of Vesper: Magic and Science Classes.
Time: 8:00 PM PST.
Location: EM Lecture Hall.
Hosts: The Healer of Vesper. (EM Godiva)

Friday, March 16th 2012

New Magincian Trading Co.: Net Toss
Time: 7:00 PM PST.
Location: Northern Beach of New Magincia.
Hosts: Lynne Zellinous.

Sea Witch Tavern Night
Time: 8:00 PM PST.
Location: Sea Witch Tavern, New Magincia.
Hosts: Circe the Tavern Wench.

Saturday, March 17th 2012

Nothing. Yet.

Sunday, March 18th 2012

Taming Hour
Time: 8:00 PM PST.
Location: Moonglow Zoo, Trammel.
Hosts: Kat MacBrodean, Proserpina.

Old Magincia Village Opening
Time: 9:00 PM PST.
Location: Old Magincia, Felucca.
Hosts: Marcus Aurelius and the New Magincia Thieves Guild.