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(RP) Moving away from Magincia

  • Thread starter NatalieVain
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1


Due to recent threats against me, I am moving my flocks from Magincia as I do not wish to bring personal conflict to an already conflicted island.

My whereabout and flocks will be a secret for protection.

Natalie Vain


When I came back, I didn't know there's an RP community and storyline in Magincia. (I didn't even know it was destroyed). As my character Natalie Vain is based on Humility, I was planning to play her as a simple shepherd tending her flock near the Magincia moongates away from the prideful city.

But now I'm really excited to learn this storyline with the Magincians wanting to breakaway from Britannia and my character shouldn't really be there so I'm doing this Irene Enterprise story to move Natalie away from Magincia.

Can't wait to see how it ends ^^


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
I think you should stay!

It would be interesting to get the innocent bystander's point of view during the conflict. Just like in any intense debate, too often are the middle drowned out by the more extreme sides.


ooc: I would be interested to know who it was threatening the character.. as no Magincian has made any threats against another save for one.. and that was very public. Unless of course you mean the threats from Britannia.
end ooc.

Ancient Sosarian

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Hail Shepherdess Natalie,

Bide Thy time, for tis Thee and others like Thee that New Magincia sorely needs. Pride oertook the Magincians, and led them to utter destruction. Humility is the redemption and path forward for New Magincia and all who will call her ...Home.

Events are unfolding rapidly and it remains possible the misguided upon New Magincia will come to their senses.

Tend well Thy flocks and word will find Thee when it is safe to return.

An SoS


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When I came back, I didn't know there's an RP community and storyline in Magincia. (I didn't even know it was destroyed). As my character Natalie Vain is based on Humility, I was planning to play her as a simple shepherd tending her flock near the Magincia moongates away from the prideful city.

But now I'm really excited to learn this storyline with the Magincians wanting to breakaway from Britannia and my character shouldn't really be there so I'm doing this Irene Enterprise story to move Natalie away from Magincia.

Can't wait to see how it ends ^^
I have been away from UO for many years, but isn't Magincia non-PVP? in that case who cares how many threats they make...they can't do anything about it.

and on the flipside, if Magincia is PVP.....become a PK, it's way more fun then just being a PVM player


I have been away from UO for many years, but isn't Magincia non-PVP? in that case who cares how many threats they make...they can't do anything about it.
and on the flipside, if Magincia is PVP.....become a PK, it's way more fun then just being a PVM player


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would love to comment further, but in fear of being punished again for my comments I will opt out. good luck


Irene Enterprise, tis a name I have almost forgotten. We were in a guild once, with 6 other. We banded well and upheld the virtues to the best of our abilities. Then something happened. Ms. Enterprise, a master in alchemy and herbs, started to use poison in dealing justice to evil-doers. Our guildmaster didn't think it was honorable, and asked her to stop.

Ms. Enterprise refused, claiming that her poison was brewed from nightshade, an herb naturally found on the grounds and sold freely by vendors. She insisted that brigands have caused sufferings to innocent people and they should be made to suffer by her poison.

We finally agreed to a vote, the 7 of us, for Ms. Enterprise's membership in our guild. After 6 votes, it was tied 3-3, and I was to cast the deciding vote. It was my decision that made Ms. Enterprise leave our guild. Our guildmaster didn't stop there and reported her activity to the Druids of Yew and they revoked her license to practice alchemy. That was the last I heard of her.

I do not believe she was after my life. She believe in justice and since we made her lose her livelihood, she was after mine, my flock. Without my flock, I am no longer a shepherd. That is why I had to move my remaining flock to a secret location, known only to me.

I shall confront Ms. Enterprise to settle the situation, and I believe my cousin Keira Ley and I have located her whereabouts.