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RP - Hunt the Lady


Former Stratics Publisher
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
The hustle and bustle of a merchant is never ending. Supplies must be procured from the Abyss, resources culled from the forests, potions mixed into kegs, profit margins calculated and inventory refreshed. Never a dull moment within the Llama Head's production area as Tandy and Kat work silently over their projects. Kirthag glances up from her record book to watch over the two women work when the door bursts open without warning.

"HAH! Finally saw one!" screeches the enigmatic Orchid. Kirthag and the others glare at the usually silent ninja with a touch of curiosity for her out of character volume.

"Saw what?" Kirth asks.

"An innocent in Felucca! It was hysterical! I followed it for hours without once being detected!" the overtly excited Orchid exclaimed as she kicked the door closed.

The other women roll their eyes and return to their tasks. Kat mixes up more greater heal potions as Tandy cuts into another large piece of leather. Kirthag sighs then returns to her calculations.

The Orchid stands there, her jaw slack for a moment then she throws her hands up in frustration. "Don't you get it? An INNOCENT in FELUCCA!"

"Probably some lost young'un," Kirthag mutters as she jots down figures.

The Orchid growls a bit and leans up against the wall, hanging her head. "I figured you'd especially be interested Kirth - it owns a house near Yew - remember? Your own home..."

Kirthag continues reading her ledger and shrugs slightly. "All the more reason to just let it be, ninja. Yew hasn't been my home for ages now."

The Orchid glares at the celt for a moment, then turns and disappears in a poof of ninja smoke. Kirthag glances up once more, shrugs, then returns to her bookkeeping.

The Orchid stares from her hiding place at the other three women with disgust before she stealths her way back outside and toward the Minoc 'gate. With expert care, she keeps to the shadows without a thought for her mind is occupied with the mystery of this new person living near her employer's old home. Perhaps Kirthag would have shown more interest if the ninja revealed the innocent's name...

This is the beginning of the Hunt the Lady event scheduled for March 21. Please check back as the story unfolds and tell your friends - for important clues will be posted here that will help in the pending hunt!

Of note, this is a player run event so don't expect any other goodies than what a player may provide.