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(Player Event) RP Alliance Sponsored IDOC House Event


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
R3 is pleased to announce the First RP Alliance IDOC House Event!

R3 has placed a beautiful Malas Mountainside 18x18 plot, loaded with all kinds of goodies. Gold, rares, rewards, resources, you name it!

The house will be made open to the public only on the day of the event, NEXT Saturday May 21st. This is a controlled drop so don't bother waiting all day :) Gates will be provided from other alliance facilities, drinks and pre drop gaming/socializing is encouraged!

R3 will also be providing crafting assistance, most resources will be provided. Imbuing resources on a limited scale will be available:)

Feel free to ask any R3 member for more information and we will update this post as we obtain more information.

Again please come and enjoy a community wide event sponsored by on of the greatest alliance's on the shard!

ICQ 244373602


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
umm this is like totaly weird

are you sure you arent doing all this just to get my icq number? winks winks:eek::lick::bowdown:


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOL Count thats funny. Nah this is something we want to do to foster fellowship and goodwill in the community. However, due to unforseen rl circumstances (I have to help my mother in law move) we are having to postpone the event to June the 18th. This will also give us more time to add many more items to the house. I apologize for the reschedule everyone.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Havings LOADS of fun... you were a bit ocd weren't ya? But no this is a completely different matter! Just me being me! But on another topic I believe there is aroom in hell where you move furniture from one side to the next....:D:eek::lick:


Havings LOADS of fun... you were a bit ocd weren't ya? But no this is a completely different matter! Just me being me! But on another topic I believe there is aroom in hell where you move furniture from one side to the next....:D:eek::lick:
OCD? Nah, just had to be organized to maintain the vendors. I'm guessing you've figured out exactly how much stuff I really had huh? LOL


speaking of which when you coming back to game....
I'm not. My account was sold and transferred a week or so ago. I've got nothing left to come back to, which was my goal. I just don't have the time nor feel any need to play UO anymore. Every once in a very great while (twice in the past month, for example) I will log into Battlestar Galactica Online and play for an hour or two, but that's been the extent of my gaming since I quit UO. I just popped in here to say hello because I was between finals week and the start of my current classes and had a little spare time.

I did manage enough time to get my name in the BGO game credits though.:thumbup1:


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lol and I keep finding them. Do you remember who was scrolled to 120 Steaing? Who was your theif in other words?


Lol and I keep finding them. Do you remember who was scrolled to 120 Steaing? Who was your theif in other words?
Jaerinn is the thief. He's got nearly every skill scrolled to 120 if I remember right.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is going to be quite a few great items for you to try and pick up at this IDOC! I have attached pictures for you to see examples as well as where the house is located on the Pacific shard.


R3 is pleased to announce the First RP Alliance IDOC House Event!

R3 has placed a beautiful Malas Mountainside 18x18 plot, loaded with all kinds of goodies. Gold, rares, rewards, resources, you name it!

The house will be made open to the public only on the day of the event, NEXT Saturday May 21st. This is a controlled drop so don't bother waiting all day :) Gates will be provided from other alliance facilities, drinks and pre drop gaming/socializing is encouraged!

R3 will also be providing crafting assistance, most resources will be provided. Imbuing resources on a limited scale will be available:)

Feel free to ask any R3 member for more information and we will update this post as we obtain more information.

Again please come and enjoy a community wide event sponsored by on of the greatest alliance's on the shard!

ICQ 244373602


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tomorrow July Second 7pm pac! Come one come all, im loading more goodies as we speak.