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Royal Guard Missions: Monday the 30th, 7:30pm EST

EM Barnaby

UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
From the Office of the Guard, To all Guards and Possible Recruits

Lieutenant Jeffrey will be dispensing new orders two nights from now. Not all are likely to involve combat, but come armed - recent events have shown us that we need to be prepared for anything.

I will be on hand for a short meeting after the nights work has been completed.

- Commander Olivia Kanlocke


For the unfamiliar, Lt. Jeffrey is normally stationed just outside the Castle. Just ask him for your "orders". These missions are designed to be completed relatively quickly by smaller groups (such as individual regiments).​


We first assembled near the entrance of Castle Brit to hear our orders from Lt. Jeffrey. There were three enemy forces to deal with, one in the mountain path above Shame entrance , somewhere near the Orc Fort in Yew and an Orc force near the Sea Market.

In the mountain path was insane dryads, coils and abcesses. This is where my team went. I personally killed 3 abcesses solo :cool: . At the Orc Fort was skeletal liches, greyish skeletal knights and deranged necromancers. Not much info about the Sea Market.

Once that was dealt with, we returned to Lt. Jeffrey along with Comm. Kanlocke. We were told to scout out the sewers of Britain. At the exit to T2A was a group of Executioners. These are human warriors that reflect the damage you do back to yourself, it really hurts. Once they were gone we ran into Chaos Dragoon Elites, usually not found in T2A and these ones were really strong. We had discovered a muddy and worn out book in an encampment in the swamp, along with Joshua the Thief.

After we dispatched those we returned to the Castle entrance once more. The book was handed over to Comm. Kanlocke. The book had questionable content, one of the lines said Kanlock was a traitor. The commander went to retire to the castle and everyone else went to the EM Hall.

There we learned more about current events and more events that was coming our way. We learned there is gonna be at least 5 events for a "Summer Festival". Last of the news was the EM Kasaven is going into retirement.

If I missed something, let me know.

Lord Kodiak, VRN Captain


Zurhet Pebblethief

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
From the Office of the Guard, To all Guards and Possible Recruits

Lieutenant Jeffrey will be dispensing new orders two nights from now. Not all are likely to involve combat, but come armed - recent events have shown us that we need to be prepared for anything.

I will be on hand for a short meeting after the nights work has been completed.

- Commander Olivia Kanlocke


For the unfamiliar, Lt. Jeffrey is normally stationed just outside the Castle. Just ask him for your "orders". These missions are designed to be completed relatively quickly by smaller groups (such as individual regiments).​
How exactly has this taken place if two nights from Monday is Wed.?