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Royal Explorer Kit....

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Some of you here might know ive left UO if you have read the
europa board because of a few probems im having atm,
Anyway, i want to sell my royal explorer kit (Full 10 items inc box)
(only 2 sets in UO) All original Europa gold color.
I won the set myself (Scar) (2nd place,but if you were there you know why)
Could somone here plz give me Price check, ta
The set is still on europa where i got it.
I know i said i would never sell it
but things change

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
I'll start a bid on your set as I believe it to be listed below at 500 million Gold

Explorer's Spellbook
Explorer's Friend bracelet
Royal Explorer boots
Royal Explorer cloak
Royal Explorer fancy shirt
Royal Explorer Kit (pouch)
Royal Explorer lanttern
Royal Explorer long pants
Royal Explorer sash
Royal Explorer skirt



And you've been offered 2 billion before, don't take 500 mil

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron


And you've been offered 2 billion before, don't take 500 mil

[/ QUOTE ]

Counter my bid if you want, I'll pay more, but I had no idea of the value, if anyone wants to bid 2 billion please do, so I can see if I can outbid you. Thanks!




And you've been offered 2 billion before, don't take 500 mil

[/ QUOTE ]

ya people offered 2 billion during the dupping days when gold was only .40 cents per mil. Things are different now. 500 mil is a solid offer.




And you've been offered 2 billion before, don't take 500 mil

[/ QUOTE ]

Those are the type of comments that are best left to private messages or ICQs so you don't insult the people who made the up to date offers.

And as manti said, that was during the days when UO gold wasn't even worth the space it took up and people were plopping it away for a dime a dozen.


Could u "big boys" perhaps stop covering each others asses?
Few days ago I think it was you, Xel ( I don't remember tbh) who made statement about how unique items are finally being valued for what they are. I am referring to the sash on Europa which got a 250m bid.
This set may not be Unique, but as the other set will not be sold (Trev?), it's pretty much the same principle.
Then Manti stated in another post how Sets are worth more cause of the desirability of a full collection. Again... This is a set.

So why do you guys start "justifying" this bid of 500m, as if it's something ... Great and Amazing to bid on this wonderful package of items?
It's a low starting bid... That's what it is. So please don't pretend it isn't.



Could u "big boys" perhaps stop covering each others asses?
Few days ago I think it was you, Xel ( I don't remember tbh) who made statement about how unique items are finally being valued for what they are. I am referring to the sash on Europa which got a 250m bid.
This set may not be Unique, but as the other set will not be sold (Trev?), it's pretty much the same principle.
Then Manti stated in another post how Sets are worth more cause of the desirability of a full collection. Again... This is a set.

So why do you guys start "justifying" this bid of 500m, as if it's something ... Great and Amazing to bid on this wonderful package of items?
It's a low starting bid... That's what it is. So please don't pretend it isn't.

[/ QUOTE ]

Noticed I never made a statement on whether the 500mil bid was high or not initially? Perhaps try reading my words a bit more carefully. I stated the bid was made when gold was worth nothing and reinforced what manti said. But since you think I am a "big dog" and I am covering whoever's ass, I'll give my actual thoughts on the topic in more detail for you.

I don't care about covering anyone's ass. I call anyone out who decides to be pompous and downplay someone elses bid in public when I choose to do so. When unnecessary statements are made in public solely to insult someone's bid who clearly doesn't know todays' market value on items then that pisses me off. For a long time coming now the same Duo on europa have been on a power trip on acting like they're the top of the world due to their longevity and collection of rares. I'm afraid that E-power doesn't matter to me in the least bit. You could be my guild mate or someone I dislike. If you choose to insult someone who clearly isn't trying to lowball, just to make others perceive it that way you can be sure I'll be voicing my thoughts on it. (I throw around "you" as a generic word and this is not direct at any specific person incase anyone gets lost. )

Considering EA just fired the majority of their staff supposedly along with the fact that Nails has just returned to UO after what seemed to be years of inactivity and bidding 500m off the bat, publically calling his bid cheap was unnecessary. So yes, I don't care about covering nails' ass in stating this and I have no reason to but clearly a 500mil bid is not a lowball offer that was PM'ed to the seller in the hopes of buying it up cheap to resell.

The fact that this 2 billion gold offer was made in the prime time of duping before it was fixed leading people to think their gold would be unlimited only adds to the point that a 500mil offer today when gold is at $1.5-2 per is more than a generous offer and shouldn't be scoffed at just because the owner of the other set doesn't want to accept what someone else may be willing to sell the only other set for less than they personally would.

If Trev wants to hold the monopoly on the set then he should go buy it for 2bil. Then he can claim that its worth will always be 2bil regardless of what the market rate on gold is.

I could care less about taking sides on stratics. Certain things just piss me off and this is one of them. If I were you all, I would be very careful in investing too much into this game as if the rumors are true, prices will be dropping very quick and very soon once there is confirmation of the latest rumors.

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
I contacted Trevelyan over ICQ and he explained to me that he was upset because Scar told him that he would never sell... he was surprised and disappointed mainly.. not really offended by my offer.. if otherwise, he can say so right here, and again I will bid higher if anyone wants to bid against me, or if Scar wants to give me a buy out offer, whatever.. I am not much of a negotiator.. I just buy with all that I can as long as they keep sending me these plastic thingies with numbers on em. If I lived in colonial England, I'd surely be in debtors prison by now.



I If I lived in colonial England, I'd surely be in debtors prison by now.

[/ QUOTE ]

No you wouldn't - you would be blessing us with your presence 'Down-under' here in Australia


New to forums

Hello all,
Im going to hang onto the set for a week or 2 until we
all know what UO's future is.
I may play UO again one day, so that is why im not selling the rest of my stuff,
The Explorer set is too good to let waste on an inactive account.
I will post in a couple of weeks about the sale.