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Romance Category

  • Thread starter imported_herk1287
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Who thinks the romanc e category and ALL sex related items should be removed.... ie love beds and love tubs, u never know whos behind the sim could be a 13 year old sayin there 31 etc and in my opinion thats statuary **** even in online world, if u agree please respond


Um herk, not for nothing but eliminating love beds/tubs isn't going to combat gepeddo's.


LOL.... No I don't my first proper house I owned was a love house in FF and I loved keeping it open and adjusting it.


If that gets them off it's better than them going out for the real thing.


I'm sorry. I giggled at this post.

If you are going to get rid of love beds and hot tubs, you're going to have to get rid of the IM feature so that these sneaky gepeddos can't IM and say 'u wanna cyber baby?'


online sex in a game is wrong too risky and can lead to charges... there was a case where parnts sued this guy for gettin to there 14 year old over SL


If someone is going to get in trouble, it would be for IM'ing, talking to an underage person, planning to 'meet' or share pictures, etc... NOT 'play' in a lovetub or bed. Im pretty sure there isnt a law against love tubs...and almost positive that would not hold up in court.

"Your honor, my client claims he merely 'vibrated' with another sim in a love bed, and played in a love tub"

...I doubt it.


What goes on in SL is way different than what goes on in a tso love bed.
Also, SL's adult grid is just that. For adults only, if this took place on the adult grid or w/e it is called then it is the parents fault for not properly monitoring their children.

I do not expect games, movies, tv, music etc to censor themselves b/c parents are too lazy to make sure their kids are doing the right thing.

If I was the gepeddo in SL i would have sued the parents for allowing their child to come onto an adult game and mislead me.



I had to laugh at this post!
This is nothing compared to SIMS2 which I wish the game was more like.
I do think maybe TSO should when accounts are started, get the age of the player of the account and those underage should be restricted from certain things or even cities just for them but then that leads to awhole other type of people lying acting like they are kids.....
But you do need a credit card to play, there for the parents know about the game and should check it out before allowing them to play.
I am a mother, and I wouldn't let my daughter play, but I see other mothers who do play let there kids play.
It is up to them.
Personally SIMS as always been geared more tords adults.
So I say more adult actions like SIMS2!! LOL >:)


First let me give the definition of the word :

Statutory **** is the crime of sex with a minor under the age of consent (AOC), the age at which individuals are considered competent to give consent to sexual conduct, but past the age of puberty. It is a generic term; states use many different statutory terms for the crime, such as "sexual assault", "**** of a child", "corruption of a minor", and "carnal knowledge of a minor". Statutory **** differs from forcible **** in that overt force or threat need not be present. The laws presumes coercion, because a minor is legally incapable of giving consent to the act.

The term statutory **** generally refers to sex between an adult and a sexually mature minor. Sexual relations with a prepubescent child, generically called "child molestation", is uniformly treated as a more serious felony.

Now this being stated... You cannot say acting in an online game in a hot tub or a love bed is actually statutory **** as they are not in real life touching the child in any way. I am a parent myself and I would not allow my child to play this. My oldest is 12 and I won't let her play because I don't feel she is mature enough to see the adult things or language in the game. If however a parent allows thier child to play this game then they should make sure they know what thier child is doing, saying and who they are talking to. The whole thing goes back to parenting and making sure you monitor your child with any internet use. Plain and simple.


No. There's a teen rating for a reason. All content in TSO is legit for 13 year olds on up. If someone younger is playing 1) they're not allowed and 2) their parent(s) should be monitoring them in the first place. There are going to be perverts in real life, online, everywhere - simply removing objects won't stop that behavior. In fact, if predators even make it to a love tub, that's a feat within itself. Most just get straight to the point via IM. It's great that you're concerned with an issue like this, but removing love tubs and love beds will have absolutely no affect whatsoever.

In SL, like Jackiee said, is an adult grid for a reason. If a child is playing on said adult grid, that's NOT SL's problem - that's the parents' problem of the child. I believe that's in their TOS/RoC.


The beds and stuff aren't the problem. Love is a way of life for some sims. Taking away items would be just that, taking away the items. It would change anything that happens except get a few people here at stratics in a uproar. They don't hurt anything. In my opinion, they should stay.


There is no Sex in TSO... there isn't even ORGASM. and you know what, I am a kid behind my sim. I am 13 years old and well. I don't find anything naughty about Romance cateogory or Love Tub or Love Bed the only thing that should be removed, the people who are perverted.


Who thinks the romanc e category and ALL sex related items should be removed.... ie love beds and love tubs, u never know whos behind the sim could be a 13 year old sayin there 31 etc and in my opinion thats statuary **** even in online world, if u agree please respond

That's the reason I have never sold the sex crap in any of my stores. I refuse to sell that deviant stuff to children.



Who thinks the romanc e category and ALL sex related items should be removed.... ie love beds and love tubs, u never know whos behind the sim could be a 13 year old sayin there 31 etc and in my opinion thats statuary **** even in online world, if u agree please respond

That's the reason I have never sold the sex crap in any of my stores. I refuse to sell that deviant stuff to children.

[/ QUOTE ]
haha srsly?



Who thinks the romanc e category and ALL sex related items should be removed.... ie love beds and love tubs, u never know whos behind the sim could be a 13 year old sayin there 31 etc and in my opinion thats statuary **** even in online world, if u agree please respond

[/ QUOTE ]
It's "statutory" ****.
"Statuary" **** would be, like, sexual congress with a marble sculpture without the consent of said sculpture.

Not sure the pigeons would like it, either.


another reason why i been pushing the devs to make this game a mature rating. i dont want to lose anything with the game. but there are some things you can do in the game that is mature and most of it is chat. most parents do not watch the games their kids play, but if they see a mature rating it may deter them from letting their kids playing it.




Who thinks the romanc e category and ALL sex related items should be removed.... ie love beds and love tubs, u never know whos behind the sim could be a 13 year old sayin there 31 etc and in my opinion thats statuary **** even in online world, if u agree please respond

[/ QUOTE ]
It's "statutory" ****.
"Statuary" **** would be, like, sexual congress with a marble sculpture without the consent of said sculpture.

Not sure the pigeons would like it, either.

[/ QUOTE ]

Donavan you totally make me

PB Three

I strongly disagree, my friend.

I think that 1. It's a game. 2. It's ADULTS who say that teens are aren't competent enough. IMHO that is simply because adults want to feel smarter/more competent than they nesseccarily are. Plus, I'm unsure as to how many remember exactly how it was when they were a teenager.

Some teens are stupid enough to do such, but people shouldn't generalize and in essence say that ALL of them are. I'm 16 and I'm very mature and inteligent, everyone has said so.
Therefor, I don't feel that I should be discriminated against because of moronic teenagers.

P.S. @ Grinch, doing that wouldn't be in EA/Maxis' best interest. I'm sure that they have no intention of limiting their clientelle.

PB Three




Who thinks the romanc e category and ALL sex related items should be removed.... ie love beds and love tubs, u never know whos behind the sim could be a 13 year old sayin there 31 etc and in my opinion thats statuary **** even in online world, if u agree please respond

[/ QUOTE ]
It's "statutory" ****.
"Statuary" **** would be, like, sexual congress with a marble sculpture without the consent of said sculpture.

Not sure the pigeons would like it, either.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well....thanks.....now I'll have to be explaining unexpected bout of giggles, all day.