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ROFL swept up the trash tonite...

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So pubamato is back in UO, hes been hiding as a "nameless" tonite, he irritated everyone so we kicked him, ROFL came and swept up our trash and took the most annoying (yes elrond even worse then you) pvper ever.

Homie ill miss you, you were a good guy, but i understand that you and pub are good friends,

esh your really trash, you couldnt even kill me when i was redlined with 3 ppl dumping on me..

Budweiser KDL

Don't hate....

Open field fights rofl is better than /R/ even with less people..With no choke points, house's or server lines, your guild is the trash that is swept up..We have offered your guild even numbers duels between guilds and you guys won't accept. I say we have a 5 on 5 event just for fun
Im sure that we can all get along for a little bit of time to have a few duels fair numbers just to see who is better at pvp.

If you wanna duel is this format PM me.. We can make it happen...

My OneSelfer

funny that bud never talked [censored] til he was recruited by rofl.
rofl has more mages than us and therefore can dump more flamestrikes on a called target.
wanna cookie now?

dp ai spam is not talent. its what makes the trammies come to fel thinking they bad ass speeding around on their blues with this bs.

button 1 dp
button 2 bleed
button 3 ai
button 3 again
button 3 again
rinse and repeat


Heskal The II


funny that bud never talked [censored] til he was recruited by rofl.
rofl has more mages than us and therefore can dump more flamestrikes on a called target.
wanna cookie now?

[/ QUOTE ]

you sound scared imo ....



funny that bud never talked [censored] til he was recruited by rofl.

[/ QUOTE ]

Bud has been in and out of WtF?, ROFL, KDL, W@R, and other guilds with the same core people, including myself, for the last 4 years or more. I have been on both sides of a fight with him. And I know for a fact that he has talked [censored] since before I even knew him.

My OneSelfer



funny that bud never talked [censored] til he was recruited by rofl.

[/ QUOTE ]

Bud has been in and out of WtF?, ROFL, KDL, W@R, and other guilds with the same core people, including myself, for the last 4 years or more. I have been on both sides of a fight with him. And I know for a fact that he has talked [censored] since before I even knew him.

[/ QUOTE ]

not like i been seeing lately
he has a new found ego
prolly caught the disease from the rofl mages

Button 1 then 2 then 3 3 times



rofl has more mages than us and therefore can dump more flamestrikes on a called target.
wanna cookie now?

[/ QUOTE ]

If it was a 5v5 wouldn't your guild only need to come up with at most 5 mages? I'm sure you could dig deep in that 50 player roster and come up with 5 mages... Or did you mean to say that you don't have enough competent mages to field 5? That is something I could agree with.

I think they are just bitter that we had almost as many people as they did for once at that harry and they got dumped on. The three members we got from your guild aren't the only three that wanted to join BTW.

Nobody doubts that in even numbers or even if we are only slightly outnumbered we destroy R every single time, no contest. Even your own guild knows it. The best couple people with you aren't even in R.

And I don't believe Bud meant to [censored] talk. He just stated a couple facts and made an interesting challenge to R that will inevitably be turned down due to cowardice.

My OneSelfer

that really depends on who is on not how many. Yes some are better pvpers than others, but we are also friends who like to just chill sometime. We cant all spend our lives on UO practicing to be the greatest mage. Most of us are older and could really give 2 ****ts about your self proclaimed godliness. We are playing the game and obviously the game is playing you. Take a deep breath and try not to go into denial. Youll be ok one day, prolly when mom and dad stop footing the bills.

All &lt;3 Vision

Budweiser KDL


funny that bud never talked [censored] til he was recruited by rofl.
rofl has more mages than us and therefore can dump more flamestrikes on a called target.
wanna cookie now?

dp ai spam is not talent. its what makes the trammies come to fel thinking they bad ass speeding around on their blues with this bs.

button 1 dp
button 2 bleed
button 3 ai
button 3 again
button 3 again
rinse and repeat


[/ QUOTE ]

I don't dp nor do I AI. I do however Bleed and dissarm like a mofo.

If you want I can bring a mage(red) or (blue) to the guild duel. Do you have a mage? Does /R/ wanna have a freindly field style fight? no servers, no choke points, etc. Just a 5 on 5 fun.

When I was in /US\ we did the same thing with WTF? and they accepted. And it was nice to be able to have some fair odds fights. No issues, no attitudes, we just had about 6-8 rounds of 5 on 5.

Sorry If I offended you on stratics in anyway. This wasn't meant to be a crap talking post just an offer of even odds fights.

We can even solo duel you and I....

PM me if you wanna set something up. Im sure we can all act mature and get some of our $12.99 worth of fun.



that really depends on who is on not how many. Yes some are better pvpers than others, but we are also friends who like to just chill sometime.

[/ QUOTE ]
Most of ROFL have been playing UO together for years. We too are friends who like to just chill, and most of us care very little about anything other than having fun in UO. We just play to PvP... most don't need gold or items anymore. The game has been out so long I don't understand how people don't have what they need by now... unless they got banned or something.

We cant all spend our lives on UO practicing to be the greatest mage.

[/ QUOTE ]
I've been back to UO for 3 weeks after a 9 month break. I go to college and work part time... hardly spending my whole life practicing to be the greatest mage.

Most of us are older and could really give 2 ****ts about your self proclaimed godliness.

[/ QUOTE ]
I never say I'm godly... I've said ROFL is better than R. Other than that I've never said anything about my skill as a UO player. Sorry you are old. Not sure what that has to do with anything in a game.

We are playing the game and obviously the game is playing you.

[/ QUOTE ]
The game is playing the people in your guild that are so mad about losing that they want to meet up and fight people IRL.

All &lt;3 Vision

[/ QUOTE ]
About time you said something that made sense


You dont know bud , he was destroying ppl in KDL, W@R and by himself for a LOOOONG time now , and has talked trash for as long as i can remember . :p In Fact I can remember not long ago Bud was in NERD , Far outnumbered by /R/ and challenging any 3 /R/ members to duel his dexxer :O

Napa Bond

Hey dont be hating on the Bleed Dp disarm!!!! ai ai
i understand you are bitter because you get owned by the best! but one day you yourself will get better at pvp...one day...
Dontttt givveeee upppp hopppeeeee nowwwww!!!!

My OneSelfer


Hey dont be hating on the Bleed Dp disarm!!!! ai ai
i understand you are bidder because you get owned by the best! but one day you yourself will get better at pvp...one day...
Dontttt givveeee upppp hopppeeeee nowwwww!!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

the word is spelled bitter. stop playing hooky from school Noob3rt.

Napa Bond

i spelled a word wrong, good comback! ROFL
but at least you dont deny it.
and listen i know you really wanted to join ROFL but vision already told you NO SO STOP ASKING!!!!

Budweiser KDL

I admit dex temps are point click easy temps, but I do play nathan well...and I'll always fight anyone with nathan, any odds, hell Vison and I raided a WTF? harry by ourselves back in the day when we where /US\. I actually made it to the back room in wrong trying to knock out the tamers befor i was killed....

I had my camera out for it:


My OneSelfer


i spelled a word wrong, good comback! ROFL
but at least you dont deny it.
and listen i know you really wanted to join ROFL but vision already told you NO SO STOP ASKING!!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Umm no. I never asked nor have I ever had the desire to join ROFL.
Vision is old friend but that would not mean I have to be in his guild.
Goldberg is a good GM and I am happy where I am, but thanks for assuming.

p.s. You didnt spell a word wrong. You just didnt know how to spell it period.

Napa Bond

lol your a f@g, once again another good comeback....
you know what you need to do is stfu and learn to pvp you Pos noob.
AND im going to tell you this one last time...
you CAN NOT join the guild so stop asking!!!!


I'd rather have these guys then Goldberg
He needs dp to beat anyone


A few years ago.. Bud on nathan and Me on my tank mage transfered to Lake Austin and took over yew gate 2 vs 30ish...... we killed everyone...... I'd say bud can talk all he wants........


Nuff of this thread. It was all fun and games till someone had to start the name calling.
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