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RL Crisis Prompts Rares sale!!!



This is a sale not an auction.

RL cash only from Paypal

Crystal Staff of chaos replica - SOLD

Servant of Tal'Keesh Blessed, Robe - SOLD

60 million gold - $100

Singing ball - $70

Tattered Mecerian Cloak - $175

Assassin Full Suit - $90

Royal Navy boots - $125

Ruined Painting - $70

Anchor and Seahorse - $70

Gauntlets of Anger (Blessed) - SOLD

Valorite hammer - $70

2002 House deco comp Painting and Apron - $600 (I Have been offered 400 million)

Luna house on Europa - $350

Great Lakes Brit moongate vendor House - $450

Item Bless Deed - SOLD

Royal Guard Inquisitor Cloak - SOLD

Royal Guard Survival Knife - $600

Oak Leaf Shroud - SOLD
I don't want to sell this as i only just got it but..... Decent offers only.

Idle Hands - Unique item that causes flamestrike effect when double clicked.

ICQ - 997128 or PM me - Sale will only go on until i get the money i need, when i reach the magic number ($1200) i will stop.


Aw, I hope everything is alright. I don't spend RL money to buy UO stuff, otherwise I'd be pretty interested in your nice things. I hope everything works out for you.


Thanks - Sick parent needs my attention so i need to fly back home.


Added Oak leaf!!!!

Updated ICQ with right number - 997128.

This is hard but i need the cash.

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Sent you an ICQ from 150528775