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RIP: Jacko 1958-2009



despite his personal failures this man was the utmost all-time artist. no one could or ever will imho come even close to being the artist he was.
so sad

please be kind in responses. dont be childish.

Emil Ispep

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sucks.. I liked the Jackson 5 better than his solo stuff.. But alas another one to the list who went to young:

John Lennon
Kurt Cobain
Layne Staley


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Q: What is the difference between Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett?

A: About 3 hours

Emil Ispep

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Prolly too soon, but..

What was Farrah Fawcet's dying wish?

To make the world a safer place for children.



Q: What were Micheal Jackson's last words?

A: Take me to the children's hospital..

sry had to be done.


At least no one has gone the cause of death being food poisoning route yet:next:


Q: What were Micheal Jackson's last words?

A: Take me to the children's hospital..

As someone who was living in Santa Maria during his whole trial fiasco, I have to say, I really appreciate a good mj joke.


Seriously an MJ post? Does anyone remember he touches kids and hangs them off balconies?? Do not idolize a man who does this. He created some amazing music but did not follow it with a respectable personal life. Give his music a props but do not give the freak he was all of this respect.




K yeah, i see yr point bub, but on the same token, you gotta separate the man from the talent at some point. I mean, he did some pretty amazing **** with his talent aside from all the molestation etc.. Heres a guy, whos never known what it would be like to NOT be famous. Plus his dad pretty much head-warped his ass right off the bat.

Im not saying I forgive him for all the ****ed up **** he did... and it was ****ed up as hell... Im just saying, the man had incredible talent, and had he been anyone else, he would have been treated as he was. (a sick person) He probably should have been incarcerated and treated for his mental illness a long long time ago. *sigh* (wait.. what the **** am i trying to say here?)
k yeah, In summary, what I was trying to say is that his illness didn't make him any less talented.. (sry. just woke up)

besides, dead men can't molest anyone.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Due to the fact that Michael Jackson was 99% plastic, He will be melted down into leggo blocks so the little kids can play with him for a change.


I hear ya salad... I think that is kinda what my post says. The funny part is you were half a sleep and I was half in the bag when I wrote that. Had to go re read today and make sure that it was not too offensive, cause I have not been around since.




Yup, only substance needed is the natural greenery.

The thought of pills makes me want to puke.

Not worth it.
yeah;, i never could understand how people get strung out on those things..
Last time i had surgery, they gave me oxy's, and I swear, I've never been so sick in my life.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yeah;, i never could understand how people get strung out on those things..
Last time i had surgery, they gave me oxy's, and I swear, I've never been so sick in my life.
Yeah man, in the early high school days I was a pillhead....

Messed me up for a while, still recovering..

Yeah, only pills I'll take and rarely is Aspirin or Benadryl.

It's all about the tame Mary Jane. :scholar: