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Riots Must Be Crushed.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Due to the destructive nature of the riots and the threat to public safety, Haebas Corpus has been suspended and martial law declared.

I know many of you have heard the rioters expressing their inability to support themselves or their families. Give them a thousand gold or food, clothing,etc. Right?
I call BS on that.
I will not support these people anymore. I believe that it is the wealthier peoples responsibility to assist those in need and those that cannot fend for themselves.
That IS NOT the case with these rioters.
They can work. I know this because they can stand around all day rioting, can start fires, and walk across town.
They CAN walk.
In all of our cities there are several people so desperate to employ people that they will stop people on the street almost begging for somone to work for them! They will pay 500 gold just to go for a walk with them!
Egads!! Just how good is the economy?
So, this "Poor me, I am hungy" stuff is just a ruse.
While escorting this fighter to jaik, we passed this guy almost within site of where I arrested the fighter.

Here I am escorting Marylou the Actor to jail and we pass Louisa the Peasnt asking if we seek employment.
The pesants can pay 500 gold for help!

It is time to get to the bottom of these treasonous riots!

Join us in getting to the bottom of this rebellion.

Investigator for Britain
Judge for Sonoma

(RP only, not realated to the actual EA eventy taking place. Feel free to conatct me if you are interested in getting inviolved and being part of my upcoming 'Episodes'.)