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[Discussion] Right Arm Of Edge Ender


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay as the title says I got this Arm with a name on it "Right Arm Of Edge Ender" at ...you guessed it an Idoco_O I talked to a GM about it and they said it was a very old item. They did not say how old. The problem is you can not lock it down to display it and the GM said they were like that back then? I am not big on rares if you have to keep them in a chest or your bank box so if anyone know what this is worth I would like to know


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yep its like the heads, if it doesnt say "The" (head, torso, leg of so and so) you cant lock it down. the heads you cant lock down dont sell for much, a few mil and think alot of people dont realize that when they buy. Other body parts are much rarer tho, because most people kept the heads when they chopped up victims. so its worth more. how much more who knows. i would love this item if you could lock it down, as is if i saw for sale for 5 mil or so id buy to stick in a box. its worth more than that tho rareity wise, but like i said most want stuff you can display or use for deco. Awesome old item tho, nice find.

Tangled Metal

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
People kept the heads because you turned them in for a bounty. Sometimes people would keep the heads of known criminals because the bounty might go up. Another fun thing was when you could cook the body parts and you would get Jerky. Of course that was disabled a long time ago because though it is fine to murder people cannibalism is evil... I believe that happened about the same time as when the game changed from M to PG 13. Oh the good old days...