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Ricardo's Book Locations by Day (Days 1-10 So Far)


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Day 1 Terr Keep Area

Day 2 Moonglow

Day 3 Vesper Island

Day 4 (Mon) Wind

Day 5 Buc's North Tip

Day 6 - Entrance To Justice Isle

Day 7 Tokuno, Shrine of Isamu, AKA Shrine of Valor
On Back Side & just North of Volcano where the Fire Bunny is

Day 8
Ishy - Honor Gate @ Ratman Spawn - Go West out gate then SW to Rat Spawn Hut
(Completely forgot to put up the pic for Day 8 til I saw a few in chat talking about it. Sorry Guys :( )

Day 9 Skull Island Fel T-Map Location also (Map 118)

Day 10 is Ocllo - tried to wait on post to let a few people get there before the red's showed up as they did. Mr Beemu & Twisted Sister.

Guarding the Roost for awhile.


Re: Ricardo's Book Locations by Day (Days 1-7 So Far)

I wonder if this will be the last location, since we now have the
last word.
I know it runs for 3 more days though.