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Revolutions in MENA


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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So, who else is keeping a close eye on these revolutions in MENA (Middle East/North Africa)? My brutally suppressed inner optimist wants to believe that this will all end in liberty and popular governance, but my inner realist overlord tells me that most few revolutions result this way.

Hunters' Moon

Grand Inquisitor
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I personally think this whole uprising is being choreographed and staged. Why are the only nations in such turmoil are oil-rich? Why did my gas prices go up by fifty cents three days after Iran had three warship go thru the Suez? Oil doesn't get processed and delivered that quickly to the US.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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So you think that the oil countries are behind this? My friend at Goldman Sachs thinks that the U.S. is orchestrating these revolutions, because it doesn't like dictators. I suppose either is possible, but I hope not. I'd hoped that the U.S., in particular, had given up covert nation-building attempts after its assorted failures on this front.

Hunters' Moon

Grand Inquisitor
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So you think that the oil countries are behind this?
Only in part. They could be getting as duped as we are.I really think it is the global bankers that are behind this.They stand to make huge profits from the rising the price of oil. Heh...remember Halliburton?

My friend at Goldman Sachs thinks that the U.S. is orchestrating these revolutions, because it doesn't like dictators. I suppose either is possible, but I hope not. I'd hoped that the U.S., in particular, had given up covert nation-building attempts after its assorted failures on this front.
Your friend is probably right. The US has placed more dictators into power than any other nation. They only remove them thru "citizen uprisings" when the dictators stop taking orders from the western powers.

Oh and ask your Goldman-Sachs friend and see if he can/will tell you where most of the liquid assets or cash are being moved to globally. I'd bet any amount of money it will be invested in asian markets.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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It is truly amazing how many people around the world, of all nationalities and perspectives, collectively hate George Soros.


Stratics Veteran
Yeah I follow it. Whats going on is very interesting. The populations in those countries are taking some groundbreaking moves at the moment.


Well, there has never been a "shortage" of oil... if you ready Money Reports - oil inventories are currently very full - and basically too much is on the market already. Correctly pegged, its the speculators.

I dont think that the Government would push any kind of revolution because of the oil prices as their first concern. It has been stated by any economist - if we sustain $4.00 oil gas only 90 days... the last 3 years of government money injections will become null and void. That = complete failure of Obama.

$3.50 gas will only take 120 days to accomplish that.

The oil companies have no vested interest in $115.00 per barrel oil... they just don't. While the profits are great - when it busts like last time - it puts them into an unstable and considerably forseeable stagnant profit zone. The profits today only support them for the minimal profits when it goes bust again.

Investors are already on the up trend of cashing their profits out right now... you will see oil back to the 70-80$ per barrel range by July. There is no doubt about it because inventories are at peak. Excess inventories = price wars.

Very few oil companies sell their gas "at the pumps". There are a ton of vendors that buy it and sell it. There is quite a bit of competition out there and they wont pay their bills unless they sell the gas.

Interesting Note for you all: I live in a city that is a major distribution point for gas right out of the pipeline. We have enormous tanks storing it. And my city out of a huge area pays the most for it. :p

The podunk towns pay less than we do. It costs less to deliver it to our pumps... while towns 100 miles away who get their gas from this storage pay less! Conspiracy!


Stratics Legend
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Some is LONG overdue (think Saudi Arabia - country living in 13th century in many aspects), some was sparked by food shortages and rising prices (Tunisia), some's been breweing for years (Algeria, Egypt), some is as natural as gasping for air (Libya).
It is a "region" and it happens to have oil and gas (in many countries but not all) - but many underlaying reasons vary from one place to another... the outcome will probably differ too.


Stratics Veteran
Plenty of dictatorships that you could topple around the globe, the NA region just happens to be where its at right now. Nothing prevents other similar nations to follow suit.

Flora Green

It is truly amazing how many people around the world, of all nationalities and perspectives, collectively hate George Soros.
*snort* Had to move on from the other George sooner or later. Everything can't be his fault.