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Stratics Veteran
and need to talk2/see the following people...

mama faith, dar, fig and lynne, amber witch, talin birdsong, sister frances, prosperpina...

i have things i desire 2 give 2 u.

these peope have helped me alot in the past and i wish to bestow material gratitiude


Stratics Veteran

Good to see your finally coming back! We have all been busy un-junking our houses/keeps/castles and bankboxes to be able to buy replica suits and other relatively interesting (although benign) items to refill our houses/keeps/castles and bankboxes...


See you soon!!! :grouphug:

Sister Frances

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glad you're coming back again. Instead of giving me a gift save it for a prize for an event. Baja needs more player run events I think and prizes... we loves our prizes!
Like Sister says, see you soon!:grouphug:

Mama Faith

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ditto to both of the above replies. We're glad to see you come back to Baja and no gifts are necessary. Please don't think it's because of ingratitude; it's just that players on Baja love to help other players. That's what makes this shard so special for me. Once again, welcome home sir! *deep curtsy*


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hail Silmwaren,

My Young Cousin Bids Thee Well and Welcomed,

Though Thy Gifts are not solicited nor expected, Lord Dar of TOT wishes to Honor Thee by accepting any Gifts humbly and with Deep Gratitude.

Thy Greatest Gift shall ever be Thy Presence among us. Very soon, we begin a Year culminating in Our Fifteenth Anniversary! Baja has a Storied and Laudable History, worthy of being Remembered and Celebrated.

With Thy help and contributions our Future is expected to Rise to even Greater Heights!

As I send this Message, Dar sleeps but shall awake in Sosaria again in mere hours.

Lord Elladan


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wrap a bow around yourself, Slim, you ~are~ the gift already.

Birthday suit optional but highly recommended.


Stratics Veteran
Yes good to be back. This really is a great shard. Whats frustrating is my dumbluck. I really do want too sponsor events here on baja. But everytime i try to do it. Something pops up and then i am not able to do it. This leads to feelings of embarrasment and self regret.

Hey go to origin and grab some spring cleaning prizes and bring them back and give them to some people so they can have a taste of whats coming!
Oh wait you cant go back yet cuz baja doesnt have spring cleaning yet?:gee:

then later...

What? Baja has had spring cleaning for 2 days and you still havent transed back? So they probably have the items you wanted to give them!
Oh boy so i wasted all those points on things they probably already have!:stretcher:

What? You want to host a meet and greet pvp tournament and dungeon crawl? What? OH you have to go help a family member in another town cuz they did something dumb! and cant do the the event nemore! :rant2:

well lets try the meet and greet one more time! What? You designed your house and all the metal chests in your house went poof?! So now you have nothing! AWESOME!