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Returning Vet Assistance



Hi all. Not looking for hand outs or hand me downs, just a little shove. I having major problems with basic elements. I could REALLY use a full spell book and a couple other vendor attainable items to help me get started. What I would like is directions to a couple good vendor malls. (I can't recall there as I have no book or runes for that either.) A rune book libruary would help as well. I think If I can get directions to those places and mabe a full spell book I could manage the rest on m own. Thanks for any assistance in advance. I'm a brand new newbie and all that implies as far as items at my disposal go.

SIDE NOTE: I can't download UOAM since it can't access all the sites it needs to download the older information anymore, so I would need directions that don't involve grid coords. Thanks.


Hi all. Not looking for hand outs or hand me downs, just a little shove. I having major problems with basic elements. I could REALLY use a full spell book and a couple other vendor attainable items to help me get started. What I would like is directions to a couple good vendor malls. (I can't recall there as I have no book or runes for that either.) A rune book libruary would help as well. I think If I can get directions to those places and mabe a full spell book I could manage the rest on m own. Thanks for any assistance in advance. I'm a brand new newbie and all that implies as far as items at my disposal go.

SIDE NOTE: I can't download UOAM since it can't access all the sites it needs to download the older information anymore, so I would need directions that don't involve grid coords. Thanks.
Brendo, do something!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey there,
What is your character name in UO? I will do my best to help you out. The are vendor libraries on the north side of Luna, right of the north gate. There's also another larger one on the east side of Luna out the gate to the north a bit.
As for Vendor malls, there aren't many left anymore in the game. Luna is pretty much the only mall these days. There's a few in Zento, but I can't think of any others... =[


I had to thin this thread out a bit.

While I do allow PvP threads to go pretty wild, please keep on topic in non-PvP threads.

This thread is about assistance... not PvP or guild bashing. Please keep it in the assist mode.

To the OP, you can try a new program called UO Cartographer. I believe it has been given the unofficial nod by the devs. You can do a search in UHall for their approval of it.