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Returning to UO, looking for a guild.



Hey all:) I've recently begun playing UO again. All of my characters, thankfully, were still there when I reactivated my account, even though my house and most of my gear is gone. I'm looking for a guild to join up with, mostly for pvm. Have a Legendary Swordsman (Roland Banethor), Legendary Smith (Balthazar), a thief (Ace Gamboni), a Grandmaster Bard/nearly Grandmaster Tamer (Claritus), an Elder Mage (Mitchifer), and a soon to be empty character slot.

Wouldn't mind a little pvp occasionally, probably mostly with either my thief, mage, or whatever new character I make. Will mainly be focusing on pvm however. Would like a guild that's fairly active, and would be helpful to a player that's returning after about a 4 year absence:) Look forward to hearing from any potential guildmates. Thanks!


I might be looking for a guild also, running a mage/tamer. Mostly PVM but wouldn't mind a little PVP now and then when I'm ready. Wondering if there are any hybrid guilds out there.

Ibram Vale

The only guild I see around anymore, outside the "hardcore" pvp guys (HA!!) is PAS, and a few THB here and there. Nothing for or against them, but that's pretty sad. I don't think there are a lot of decent sized / active guilds left. I know HELP is around time to time, but I'm not sure what they're into nowadays, other than trying to see who can get the most ghastly neon pet/outfit combo going. I'm more of a subtle earth-tones mage myself.... but I know at one time they were a charity for new players.

There's Tamers Inc and Tamer R Us (guess what they're about), you can find them at Luna bank at all hours. Seriously, they never leave.

Of course, I don't go all-out to hit the newest hot spots, either. I know what I see in the classic dungeons and ilshenar/tokuno. There might be some small upstart guild that's really making headlines and I've never seen... who knows