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Returning to UO after about 4 years


Stratics Veteran
Well I dusted off the old account and I am coming back... I mostly played Siege Perilous but I cut my Teeth on Pacific. I am coming back to lots of new skills and everything has been re-vamped and much more item based.

I have been reading some of the guides but several are really old.

What is the best NON-tamer farmer right now? I am looking to do some of the champs as well as slowly work back into PVP. I have a GM mage and GM Warrior characters....

What template would be the best to spring board back from, Warrior or spellcaster? I suck as a tamer.I had an old Necro Poisoner.. but I don't see them around, see this SAMPIRE thing as well as Mystic/spellweaving (have no clue about it).

Also how about house plots? are they hard to find still or could I find one with some effort?
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Frodo Baggins

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
house spots are plentiful om pacific - there is room for an 18x18 beside my house in Malas - no spawn at all

Also how about house plots? are they hard to find still or could I find one with some effort?[/quote


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome back. There should be plenty of housing open for you. I have no advice for you on templates because me personally, I love playing quirky templates so... If you need anything to help get you settled back in, let me know.

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome back!
We all have our own personal favorite template for our play style. For me I'd have to say my mystic mage suits me best. It's easy and safe and inexpensive to train up with a 100% lower reagent suit.
And as Frodo and sablestorm, said housing spots are not an issue.