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Returning to Cats (yet again)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm a returning player looking to join a guild. I was once in the CA (Crimson alliance) as KILO way back when. I remember the Undead and those pesky Orcs.. I've actually returned 3 times in the last decade. Being deployed for many months at a time will put a damper on what I can get accomplished. I have currently have a character named Burgundy and Hazel. Burgundy is currently in a guild I can't remember the name. I've met Bupu (I think that's how you spell it) and Carin or something. Great people so far. Long story short I'm back and will be for sometime. So, who's recruiting? PvM and role playing.

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome back, if you are interested in TP, get in touch with the good folks of Trinsic. RP 1, Holy Fist, or with Judas D'arc here on the forums. They do a lot of RP plot lines and are a great bunch of folks.

Caine Family

Stratics Veteran
Welcome back! It's a great time to be on Cats, there is quite a bit to do lately!

The Covian Guard is also recruiting. We have a player run town just north of Cove called Cove's Landing. Although we are a fairly new guild, we are currently finishing up a rather large Orc Arc, the final battle of which can be found here: (Player Event) - [Sep 8, 2017] Siege of the Orc Fort (Catskills) (Cove)

All are welcome to join in, you don't have to be a Covian Guard member to help us defeat the Orcs. AND we are in the planning stages for our next major arc....stay tuned.

We are also in the process of scheduling group hunts and training sessions as well as smaller guild plots.

Our guild forums can be found here: Home | Covian Guard

That gives you a bit of information about who we are. Feel free to contact us if you would like more information: ICQ #719144884

Jaden Rain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Hello and welcome back....Bupu is a sweet lady in my alliance and very active and helpful...you will love her.....and I RP some and have a guild both pvm and rp and would be very happy to help you with whatever you need and introduce you to everyone (Id suggest looking around before you decide on anything ) my facebook page is Dragon Bloodline...........and BTW I PVM & RP
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Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay stop smacking me in the head Dramora!

*points up* I forgot them, but in my defense, I am old and it was late.