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Returning Tamer - Advice please.


Stratics Veteran

I took a break in late december of last year, decided to come back with a different account. Id like to get into taming as a way of making money both with selling pets as well as using trained pets to make some money via items and such.

So i guess my first question is - is there a guide of sorts that has "all inclusive" coverage of everything new in regards to the new taming stuff? The in game tutorial was helpful and these forums are awesome, but it would b great to see a complete training guide all on one page

I already have started gearing out my tamer:

120 Taming
120 Lore
100 Vet
120 Magery
120 Eval
100 Meditation
120 Spellweaving

I did some research and this seems to be the build for me, with a heavy emphasis on spell damage (and lots of +skill items haha). This seems to be a great all-around template thats powerful from many angles.

So my second question is.. what can tamers solo these days? In terms of things like Roof, various encounters, doom, things of that nature? Or not even solo, but maybe even just enough damage in a public group to where you get top damage items?

Skewering through these forums again has been a blast, and taming seems to be healthier than ever, but my last question is - If i were to go into taming in terms of making money on the tames themselves, what are the top sellers? Trained top sellers? Untrained top sellers? What is the business like? On atlantic, how well do pets sell? Just general stuff like that, and that kinda topic i havent found on here.

Many thanks for any advice or links!


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
In answer to your question... many folk solo the roof... Don't see a Tamer doing Doom anymore that's now Sampire only pretty much...

Trained pets fully scrolled sell pretty well... but real money is in doing EM Events and getting drops.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
f i were to go into taming in terms of making money on the tames themselves, what are the top sellers? Trained top sellers? Untrained top sellers? What is the business like? On atlantic, how well do pets sell? Just general stuff like that, and that kinda topic i havent found on here.
Colored Cus always sell. White and black most popular.

2 slot Najs, Dimetrasaurs, 2 slot new color Nightmares all sell. I sell them for 1M each. They sell for more on Atl.

If I want to train and sell a pet, I train them to the 5th slot and only add stats up to that point. I leave the last 1501 points for the buyer to give it scrolls and abilities. You can sell nearly any pet this way.

Healing Lions, Sabre-tooths, or Triceratops can sell for 10s of millions if you find a buyer.

My pet vendor has made more gold than I have made from vendors in the past combined.

You are starting 6 months into this tho.

Or not even solo, but maybe even just enough damage in a public group to where you get top damage items?
You can go anywhere with a group with a pet now. Slasher is the least pet friendly.