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Returning Player


Lore Master
Hi all. I played UO up until Third Dawn and then quit. Always loved UO but got bored. With all the taming changes and new things to tame I thought I'd try again. Right now I just have an Endless Journey account, wondering what tames I'm missing out on by not having access to the Valley of Eodon?


Stratics Veteran
Good evening SouthPaw, and welcome back... You are in for a treat..so much content as been added int he last few years... There are some great tams you are missing out on like tigers, lions, Naj,tri's,and so much more.( Publish 97 – Ultima Online ).. but the main things you are missing out on is the mastery system ( Skill Masteries – Ultima Online )which allows you to better protect and empowers your pets for a constant mana fee based off real skill... also amove called whisper which is like old school power hour on crack for your pets ... You can use it every 30 mins and it last 10.( Whispering - UOGuide, the Ultima Online Encyclopedia ).really helps with the gains.. on top of that ... there is a lot of new content you must have time of legends to enjoy like the roof event.( Shadowguard - UOGuide, the Ultima Online Encyclopedia its kind of like the new gauntlet and gives amazing artifacts), the dragon turtle spawn(in the vally and in fel dastard{ Dragon Turtle Champion Spawn - UOGuide, the Ultima Online Encyclopedia }),The battle event which leads to 2 epic quest chains that end with one of 2 great boss fights( The Myrmidex Threat – Ultima Online )( The Zealotry of Zipactriotl – Ultima Online , Exterminating the Infestations – Ultima Online }, the uniting the tribes quest chain which gives some nice house rewards( A Valley of One Quest Chain – Ultima Online ), The kolt event(the part that offers the drakes is active year round..then part with artifacts you turn in only during oct-nov and that iffy), and two mini bosses you can farm for good drops like the T rex and great ape... Its an exp worth having for sure and opens the door for you to solo much much more a lot ezier... Hope this helps..should ya have anymore questions about any part of UO or the new taming system feel free to ask.. or post here or message me..there are many fine testers on this forum and they love seeing returning players... you have a delightful day and once again..welcome back to uo =^-^=
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Lore Master
Thanks for all the great info! Sounds like I'll need to upgrade soon. I only have around 60 taming and it's SO slow. Seriously considering paying for the 5 skills at 90. Thinking of going with these skills:

I had something similar when I played before and had a lot of fun with it. With regards to pet training, do any of you take "small" pets and train them up? I can remember before (mostly because I was bored) I'd tame a hell cat or scorpion and go hunting small game with them. Is it possible to get smaller pets like that a lot more HP now? I used to love Imps but they start with such low HP it was hard to hunt with them.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Check the Tamer forum for post by @Pawain . I don't think he's done one on imps, but he's done one on the giant beetle which is very weak before training.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi all. I played UO up until Third Dawn and then quit. Always loved UO but got bored. With all the taming changes and new things to tame I thought I'd try again. Right now I just have an Endless Journey account, wondering what tames I'm missing out on by not having access to the Valley of Eodon?
Read This: Pet Training A-Z

Start with a Cu Sidhe or a Hiryu and see how the system works. Then make a keeper pet.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wearing pads of the cu sidhe allows humans to ride them.

Only elves can tame them.


Crazed Zealot
And you can buy the pads in game, pple can give them free, or you can farm for them at LAbyrinth scorpion as a drop in your pack..