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Returning player



Hey guys, just wanted to say what's up...I used to play back in 1999-2003. I've tried a lot of MMORPGs since then, played WoW for 5 years, but I'm looking for a change and I'm just disgusted at the vitriol of all the little maladjusted children on WoW.

I miss being able to own a house and actually make money off crafting. Naturally, that made me think of UO. From what I've been reading, it seems like at first glance UO is dead, but it's still alive and kicking. So where should I start? What's the happening place to go to sell your stuff now? I just like doing the econ thing...tired of dungeons and raiding, just want to make stuff, make money off making stuff and amass wealth.

Anyone have any tips, hints, advice, etc. that may help me get back into UO?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah, get Stygian Abyss expansion and develop a character with Imbuing. Amass ingredients for Imbuing by going to the Abyss and unleash some whoopass on the denizens.