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Returning player



Hello, I am recently returning after a 4 year break. I left when bushido archers were the best thing in town, and that's all I have worth PvPing on....

speaking of which, Yew gate is dead, is PvP on this shard dead?

Also, I really really want to make a PvP mage if it's not, if anyone knows a good template that'd be awesome.


Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
WAKA recently finished the destruction of COP/ 86 / MOFO alliance.

If they play according to their history, they will only play in Trammel until they think enough have quit the shard and will then start showing up claiming they own the shard.

PvP is going to be kinda short here for a while. WAKA has the shard on lock down, for now.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To answer your questions, you don't see very many bushido archers in PVP much these days, but they still work very well in PVM. Most PVP archer templates that you see will be ninjitsu/archer, tamer/archer, melee weapon/archer, stealth/archer, and now your starting to have people working around mystic/archers. As far as PVP mage templates, the flavor of the month tends to be mystic/mage or some combination using mystic spells which will require the SA expansion. For template ideas, you might try reading through the spellcaster forum.

With imbuing your probably going to want to upgrade your weapons on your archer as well as re-working your suit(s), and you can get some pretty good ideas as to what kind of suits and weapons people are putting together by going through the spellcasting and warrior forums.

Hope this helps, and I'm not getting into the guild bashing arguement since that belongs in the Sonoma PVP thread. You might mention some of your char names that you played 4 years ago and what guild they were in. Most likely someone will remember you and can point you in the right direction(s).

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No guild bashing..just giving an honest factual answer to the question:

"speaking of which, Yew gate is dead, is PvP on this shard dead?"


I ran a bush archer for a few weeks and liked it a lot. It has several valuable benefits in pvp which I won't get into here.

I switched to resist tho and I'm trying it out. It's sure nice to resist poison, have 1 sec para, etc. Resist isn't really used by certain PVPers cause they just mysteriously apply bandages/pots/trapped box with computer-like accuracy and reflexes.

So back to resist vs. bush: with a soulstone you don't really need to choose. Just swap them out as desired imo.


Good to hear my beloved guild is doing good. I may return to Sonoma myself shortly, but Great Lakes has been a nice change of pace.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The answer to why Yew is dead goes back to about a year and half ago, when there was an event where they removed the guardzones from the fel faction towns (except for some of the town gate guardzones), and shorted the sigil timers to 4 hours on the faction base post and then you controlled the town for 10 hours. This was all planned to tie into the tram event arc where if Minax or SL controlled the fel faction town then it would spawn an invasion in the tram town. The invasion would end if COM or TB recaptured the town or the tram side defeated the invasion. In theory it sounded good, but in reality people got tired of running sigils all day and on most shards one faction ended up controlling all the towns, so while shard A was getting invasion forces all the time ,shard B didn't have any, so in the end the dev's programmed the invasions to happen no matter who controlled the town. What does this have to do with Yew being dead....nothing except for the part about no guardzones. After the event ended, they didn't reactivate the guardzones in the faction towns until about Christmas, by that time people were accustom to fact that you could cast fields and other spells around the abby and other places that you normally couldn't, so when the guardzones were put back in, people who played mages got tired of getting the unable to cast that spell in this location and eventually Yew gate fighting died out. Now most fighting takes place in the large area East of the khaldun mines.