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Returning player...



Hey there. I have reactivated my ancient account and upgraded. Most of my old chars are on Napa. However compared to the other servers i have looked at the population looks to be less then half of Atlantic.

So question i pose, am i better off just starting over on Atlantic? My characters are from like 2002 or so. So id have to do a lot of restructuring. Maybe i have just checked at off hours. But in Luna it seems to be less then half as busy as i have seen on great lakes or Atlantic.

Anyway any advice would be appreciated.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Napa is considered a small population shard these days but Napa deffantly has more of a community freindly atmosphere when it comes to new or returning players. If your charicters are on Napa I would start first here to get familiar once again with the game and then move. You can transfer charicters between shards now. It costs a couple bucks but sure beats the hell outta starting from scratch.

five oclock

I say this...Start on Napa....get the feel of the game again...Learn Everythting there is to learn..since it sounds like you want to do pvp... :D

Then either transfer..or start a new toon on Atl. the game has SO changed over 8 years...learn it again before jumping into the fire :D

btw welcome back :D