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Returning player pet training help wanted :)


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Hiya all...
In the process of returning to uo, left almost a year ago, lol, will have to check my last post.
Other than
Animal Training – Ultima Online
are there any other decent guides for new pet skills/training.
Any help would be much appreciated...

Grace of Minoc

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome Back!

Good info in this sticky

Pet Training A-Z

Also, I cannot stress this enough, please copy your tamer to test center and make
sure you are satisfied with how your pet turns out before doing the changes on your
home shard. Every time you click on an advancement, say give it a bit more strength, you
cannot take it back! Thus the importance of planning and utilizing test center for this.

There are even bonding and pet leveling gates on Test in New Haven. So you can plan way
in advance what pets you want to train/level up on your home shard.
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