Hi Padre, thanks for your reply and suggestion. I'll start with my sampire and stoned some skills.
I have question regarding necromancy. I read some post that they also have like 99 Necromancy. Why 99? Sampires pretty much invest in necromancy for only one thing - Vampiric Embrace. It's an ability (spell, for all intents and purposes) that does not expire until you die or re-cast it. Personally, I just carry around an insured arcane robe or boots for casting it if I die. There are multiple pros and cons to vampiric embrace, but the biggest pros being a built in hit life leech and some good resistance to poison. The main cons being -25% fire resist (meaning good sampire suits require 70/95/70/70/75 resists) and some bad protection to garlic based spells. It takes 99 skill points to cast and maintain vampiric embrace. You can go to 100 for a good, clean round number, but most sampires just take that 1 extra skill point and throw it in something else (Chivalry 99% of the time, I seem to see).
Also my skill cap is 710.
What should I drop from there? if I want to to 120 Swords? is 110 Bushido acceptable or drop chivalry to 71? The easiest answer (though maybe not for you, specifically?) is to just throw some skill points on jewels (ring/bracelet). But, for the purpose of answering your question and assuming no +skills, I would keep Bushido at 120 (you'll critical hit more often), chivalry at 81 (best for Enemy of One and Consecrate Weapon effectiveness), and instead, drop Healing to 90.
Are you going with human or elf? Most sampires have historically (and currently) been elf. You get the 20 additional mana, and ability to wear woodland armor (a completely different discussion). However, I run a human, if only for personal purposes (old character has always been human, doesn't seem right to change him). Having said that (!), there is a new publish in the works that should make it much more viable to have a human with non woodland armor. (I planning a metal suit for the sampire, and studded leather for the archer).
For Stat should I go for 115str /125dex / 10int? (250 stat cap) Sounds about right. For starters, you want as much Dex/Stam as possible. So 125 is as much of a "must" as you'll have. After that, the more Str you have gives you more weapon damage and hit points, but warriors are so mana dependent these days that you can't ignore Int/mana. Most try to hit 150 strength (and ~140 hit points), 140ish Dex (and 150 or 180 stamina), and as much mana as you can get, after that (~60 or more).
I think my max stat is at 250, don't get the 25+ stat scroll yet for 255 You should be fine for now. Save your gold for power scrolls, weapons, and suit pieces before you start spending on +25 stats and valiant commendations. +20 should be fine, for now, for both of them.
Thank you