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returning player need advise about fishing template


Stratics Veteran
Hi, I just reactivate my account few minutes ago and I'm checking my characters skills.

my "unfinished fisherman" skill:

  • Peacemaking 109.3
  • Provocation 107.9
  • Fishing 100
  • Magery 100
  • Musicianship 100
  • Evaluating Intelligence 94.9
  • Discordance 74.7
Is this type of template acceptable or can be better ? Need suggestion.
Thank you very much!
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Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello. I've just recently started fishing myself. I just added the fishing skill to another template I had for the time being. As long as you have some mage or maybe archery to deal with the sea serpents your be ok.

I'm not sure about pirate hunting and things like that. I just run 100 mage on my character and this is good to recall around and deal with any sea serpents.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You have both fishing and magery. You are good to go. A 100% LRC and good resist suit would be the next need.