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Returning player looking for guild

  • Thread starter elbushomanoflove
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0



after about 4 years ive returned to UO (sick of WOW and miss the housing and taming). its been a while and im trying to re learn the game as well as learn all the new spots, monsters, and gear...is there any guild on Pacific shard that would like my 5x Warrior and is willing to tolerate my diminishing ignorance about the new expansions?

thanks for reading

(also have 4x Mage Tamer and various lower lvl chars that ive been working)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I too just recently came back after about 2 years of absence and my guildies and I are on a learning curve of our own. You can icq me at 244373602 or pm me here. Also I highly would recommend EOTD, they are a group of really great guys and RAW for taming. Just contact me and we'll chat more. And welcome back!


awesome, thank you. ive seen EOTD around luna alot. i might just ask one of them if they're recruiting but again thank you