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Returning player looking for guild/friends


Stratics Veteran
Hello! I recently returned to Atlantic. I have no idea what I am doing anymore, but hey its been a while. I am looking for a guild to play with to show me the ropes and hang out. My in-game char name is "Kane", and am part bard/part mage.

Thanks for reading, looking forward to seeing you all in game.

Jaden Rain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Is this a new post by a new person? Anyway just wanted to say, Talk to Merlin or Lady Lavender UWF is a great group of folks on Atlantic, I am a part time player on Atlantic and they are just wonderful people, very active and very sweet....anyways that's my 2 cents


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Hello! I recently returned to Atlantic. I have no idea what I am doing anymore, but hey its been a while. I am looking for a guild to play with to show me the ropes and hang out. My in-game char name is "Kane", and am part bard/part mage.

Thanks for reading, looking forward to seeing you all in game.
A Summary for Returning Players – Ultima Online Not a player on Atlantic that much, my char visits from Sonoma, when they can. However listen to those above, @Jaden Rain and @Merlin are good folks can't steer you wrong with that good advice.

P.S. I have known @Lady Lavendar for a very long time and consider her family. So again you are getting the best advice there is here


Hello! I recently returned to Atlantic. I have no idea what I am doing anymore, but hey its been a while. I am looking for a guild to play with to show me the ropes and hang out. My in-game char name is "Kane", and am part bard/part mage.

Thanks for reading, looking forward to seeing you all in game.
I myself played back in 2001 and returned last year. But i only played a couple of times on a two week freebie. Several months later, i returned for good. I had forgotten how to do everything. But no worries, you'll get comfortable with it again. Welcome back. Try going to New Haven this weekend. There was a guild recruiting last weekend by the bank.