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Returning player Account help!


Stratics Veteran
Hey guys Im trying to get access to my old acount thats been down for probably a good 2 years and I see EA changed how you edit your account online... Anyone know how to get in contact with them via phone? or and I missing somthing here? I logged into their account managment with my email and pass i used to UO but it just takes me to account management for warhammer which I never played haha.



Stratics Veteran
hahaha apparantly my acount is still active and i didnt even know... I DL'd the game again and just logged in like I used to haha... well guys Im back... Some of you Fel doers would know me as Your Woo Woo and maybe you old fogy trammies would know me as Elmwrad or Megan Fox... looking forward to seeing ya'll ingame =D


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
your account was active this whole time and you didnt know it?