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Returning Founder - Are my sims deleted?

  • Thread starter BellaofCats
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


Pretty much what the title says. I quit about eight months ago, possibly less. Would my sims be deleted? And if so, would any new sims I create get to have the nifty founder's symbol?

Thanks for any imput!


Most likely they are.
But you should always have your founders symbol no matter how many times you create

Welcome Back


Thanks for the reply! I went for it and after the long download, I will find out if my sims are still there. If not, I will be content with my founders icon.

Thanks again!


Ooh good luck.

I re-downloaded the other night, and it's not at all like it used to be. Much faster.


BAH! My sims are gone after about 8 months (if that long) of being an inactive account. I did get my Founder's Icon, but lost all my sims and, obviously, skill locks as well. I'm also ZERO days old, lol. A Founder that is Zero... kinda funny.

Honestly EA, if you want old players to return and be happy enough to stick around, at the very least, give them their age back. Sheesh!

Stay safe!


Sims are deleted after 120 days of being inactive. It is the users responsibility to activate the account every so often in order to retain the original sims if they with to keep them. EA can not save every sim created for players who might or might not return to playing some 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, or however long.. All those old avatars in thre database starts clogging things up.

As far as age again keep the account active now and then and you have it otherwise you start new with a new age.



Honestly EA, if you want old players to return and be happy enough to stick around, at the very least, give them their age back. Sheesh!

[/ QUOTE ]

I completely agree. It's a plus to me to be able to quit a game and come back months later to find all my characters in tact. You would think storing sim only data wouldn't be that much of a hassle.


You want EA to keep something you're not paying for just in case you decide to come back?



You want EA to keep something you're not paying for just in case you decide to come back?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep. I can't think of any other game I play(ed) that deletes your characters due to lapse in payment. Think of it as an extra added incentive to play the game again. Many games offer free play time for old players to come back and check out new updates, ect. You know as well as I do gamers take a break from their favorite game for sometimes months at a time. It's just comforting to know that you can play your favorite character when your ready to come back.

If keeping sim only data doesn't break the game, I don't see why not.


I disagree.

The incentive to stay is locks/age and objects and lots.

If you don't pay why should you benefit from an old sim?

I agree that EA should delete lapsed pay sims and think they should do it sooner.


I think really this was implemented b/c of trial accounts, properties being held up and names being taken. If they didn't do the clean ups someone from three years ago who doesn't even remember this game could have your name.

That is basically the only reason I don't see the cleanups as a problem, although I do agree it would be quite the incentive when someone was considering coming back.


They delete 120 days after lapse in payment. Every online game I've ever played has something about deleting characters after so long of non payment. And you can't say that you can come back to a game 2 years later and still have the same characters. That would require more space than most companies are willing to spend. Let alone the power to run the servers that just holding info that isn't being used.

So being a gamer you take a break for <u>a couple of months</u> being that 120 days is only 4 months. I think that is plenty of time for people to make up their minds.



BAH! My sims are gone after about 8 months (if that long) of being an inactive account. I did get my Founder's Icon, but lost all my sims and, obviously, skill locks as well. I'm also ZERO days old, lol. A Founder that is Zero... kinda funny.

Honestly EA, if you want old players to return and be happy enough to stick around, at the very least, give them their age back. Sheesh!

Stay safe!

[/ QUOTE ]
Even tho your sims are gone, your acct retains it's active time (paid time). This will benefit your sims when EALand opens.
In other words - if you (for example) kept your acct active for 3 years, it will show an "entitlement" of that long (in days), and you will receive anniversary gifts reflecting your paid time. Possibly even skill locks, if that decision eventually goes our way.



Even tho your sims are gone, your acct retains it's active time (paid time). This will benefit your sims when EALand opens.
In other words - if you (for example) kept your acct active for 3 years, it will show an "entitlement" of that long (in days), and you will receive anniversary gifts reflecting your paid time. Possibly even skill locks, if that decision eventually goes our way.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now that would be nice!

I actually kept my account activated for 2 1/2 years when I didn't play at all. Even though I was paying and not playing, I had no house taking up space. My account will be 5 years old mid-December.

EA owns other games that do, indeed, keep your characters in their database. Ultima Online is one such game. After a three year absence, my significant other was able to retrieve not only all of his characters but also everything he put in the banks and every pet he had left in the stables on a total of 11 characters. He returned to UO because of he was able to use his saved characters otherwise he wouldn't of bothered going back. So, it is not unusual for characters to be retained in a database, by EA, in the hopes of enticing a inactive player. And it is not foolhardy for EA to do so.

For some, it is a far more attractive offer to know you can come back to your character than to have to recreate from scratch. Make no mistake, I am not saying inactive accounts should continue aging and accumulating rewards that they are not paying a monthly fee to receive. I am simply saying that it is a better gimmic to get players to return to an old account than to hope someone might want to stick around after the trial period. Especially when they compare the old to the new. The bottom line is money. You make more when you have more to offer.

Stay safe,



So you think you deserve the same status as consistantly paid account holders then?

Do I understand this correctly?

Maybe they should give you Achievement Awards as well when you return? How about a full bank account while they're at it?


Someone taking a break shouldn't affect consistantly paying players anyway. People have many reasons for not paying their account. Like me. I had no income for the longest time, and could not pay my internet. Keeping my tso account paid, was very far down the list.

I would have loved to see my sims intact now that I'm back. As some have said, other games keep your game characters and will not delete them. Also EA's own game Ultima online. It should be possible for them to also keep our sims and their belongings in the database.

And for the record...I don't care about anniversary gifts or any other kind of achievement awards. Would just have liked to pick up my first ever sim that I created 3 years ago, where I left her, with what she had intact. Wouldn't even mind if she was wiped clean of her money.


For various reasons, EA Games made the decision to wipe unused avatars and their stuff after a specific length of time.

At the time they made this decision, as I remember it, there was a huge number of beta Sims who did not join the live game and caused a very big outcry about roomies stuck in ownerless houses, favorite names locked up and rare lots tied up by non-payers. (not to mention the bug that left their stuff lying abandoned and in the way). The wipe was their response to player distress. Trial accounts had the same problems. That is the reason people lose their lots first...long before they lose the rest of it.

The new trial account will address some of that by limiting what they can acquire.

While I see and understand the value to players of keeping their avatars, this game is so interdependent, that holding the avatar data intact, can cause problem for others.

If they never lose the data, what happens to:
Their land
Their roomies
Freeing their name for use by others
Friendship webs
Places on the top 100 lists, (or the suggested achievement lists)
Facebook links

If anyone has good suggestions, for how to archive the data for someone who was once an interconnected part of a community and may be again, but is *disconnected* for an unknown amount of time, so that it can be separated from the game and not hamper other players who are still paying, then please post your ideas on the design Wiki.

It is a brave new world in this game, and anything is possible.



I totally agree with you Bella. I too came back to find my sims deleted and guess what, after the initial $9.99 I won't invest another dime. I would have played longer than a month if I could of had my sims back and want to know another thing? I am not alone in thinking this way. After telling some friends that were going to come back, that our sims were gone, they see no reason to bother now and will move on for good. It's a shame EA "cuts off their nose to spite their face" by deleting sims.


[/ QUOTE ]
Being a founder, you had to know that that would happen. Since you didn't take steps to insure your sims would be safe, you just basically threw them away. All EA did was complete the process after a 90 day grace period.
When I quit, I gave up 2 founder accts, 5 sims whose age dated from day1, Simmies, Pet Statues, Trees, Cannons, Gnomes, crafted stuff, and about 100 million simoleons.
Would I like to have those things back? Sure.
Would I take them if EA offered? You bet yer aspidistra I would.

But, I knew what would happen and I accepted it.

You knew too, and you should accept it too, instead of getting ticked at EA for decisions you made.

I mean, after all, there are soooooooo many other things that EA screwed up and DESERVES to take flak for.

I'm just sayin'.



You want EA to keep something you're not paying for just in case you decide to come back?

[/ QUOTE ]

Never understood that point of view. You stop paying, but expect them to hang onto your sims for months &amp; months, in case you decide to start paying again? Interesting point of view.




You want EA to keep something you're not paying for just in case you decide to come back?

[/ QUOTE ]

Never understood that point of view. You stop paying, but expect them to hang onto your sims for months &amp; months, in case you decide to start paying again? Interesting point of view.

[/ QUOTE ]

I understand what the original poster is trying to say. Other games do it, and that's the one incentive I have to always go back to them. If SOE decided to wipe all the characters on EQ/EQ2/SWG then I would just say screw it and never go back.

Sorry folks, but some of us can't afford to pay $10-$15 for each of these games every month. If someone doesn't want my future business, then you can go right ahead and wipe my stuff and I'll move on to some other game or just forget online games all together.

I'm sure EA can figure out a way to set up a way where sims do not collect more locks while they are inactive. I can understand homes and lots being wiped and all stuff being moved into inventory after a certain amount of time. I can also understand that you could lose your name after so long. But don't delete people's sims and their inventory. There are other MMORPG's out there that are much better than this one, and they don't delete your characters. That's because they hope you'll come back. EA could do the same thing, if they really wanted to put their minds to it.



Never understood that point of view. You stop paying, but expect them to hang onto your sims for months &amp; months, in case you decide to start paying again? Interesting point of view.

[/ QUOTE ]

It works for many games. A player returns and starts playing/paying again. Game company makes money. Pretty easy to understand.




Never understood that point of view. You stop paying, but expect them to hang onto your sims for months &amp; months, in case you decide to start paying again? Interesting point of view.

[/ QUOTE ]

It works for many games. A player returns and starts playing/paying again. Game company makes money. Pretty easy to understand.

[/ QUOTE ]

Didnt say I didnt understand what it meant. I said I cant understand 'expecting' someone to keep something for you when you arent paying them anything, thats all. Thats nice that some games do it, and thats something they are doing nice for you, not something that should be expected.

Zsazsa Zee

Welcome Back Bella!
You're back and that's all that counts


I think I'll try it while shopping: Please hold my parking space, I may be back some day.



I think I'll try it while shopping: Please hold my parking space, I may be back some day.

[/ QUOTE ]





You want EA to keep something you're not paying for just in case you decide to come back?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep. I can't think of any other game I play(ed) that deletes your characters due to lapse in payment. Think of it as an extra added incentive to play the game again. Many games offer free play time for old players to come back and check out new updates, ect. You know as well as I do gamers take a break from their favorite game for sometimes months at a time. It's just comforting to know that you can play your favorite character when your ready to come back.

If keeping sim only data doesn't break the game, I don't see why not.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not sure what games you've been playing, but every game I've played, whether free or paid-for has wiped my characters and/or progress after X amount of unpaid time, with the exception of Club Pogo. When we moved from LA to TN I had a lapse of about 6 months that I wasn't able to re-up my subscription there, and thought sure my badges and all would be gone, but they are still there. All the others though have had in their TOS that if you are inactive for a period of time that the owner/administrators have the right to wipe your account.

As a compromise though it'd be cool if people had the option to pay a reduced amount based on whatever it costed them to store the data, that would not allow them to play the game, but would act as sort of like renting a storage unit for your stuff. I imagine many people would not have an issue paying $2-$5 a month to ensure that their stuff would be in tact when they decided to return to the game.

It will be interesting also to me to see how they handle the freebie accounts here.....whether they will wipe them also after a certain period of inactivity or not. Seems to me that it might be less time than the paid accounts were, because they are not getting anything out of the customer in the first place so why would they keep their data stored taking room on their servers if the player wasn't going to play.


I don't want a new space, I want <u>my</u> parking space. The one I invested time in obtaining 3 weeks ago.


If I left my car parked on the side of the road for 8 months, I don't think I would expect to find it upon going back?

How long do you think my Domain name on the net would be available if I quit paying my domain fee?

How long would my phone number be available if I don't pay my phone bill for a 8 months?

I think it's been discussed around here many times how long sims should remain on the system. I think it's safe to say that anyone on these forums should have enough information to realize that they should not walk away from their accounts for 'too long' because they probably won't have sims when they come back.

As I see it, TSO nearly shut down over the Summer because of lack of money. Why should EA be expected to carry game information on accounts that are no longer paying? People may not realize it but it DOES cost EA money to store huge databases of game information on players that do not seem to be interested.

Hey, while your at it....why don't you ask Stratics why they didn't keep all your 'posting' history? Seems as though that was deleted too. So EA isn't the only ones that delete old info.

It always amazes me when 'non-payers' feel entitled to complain, founder or not.

I had a friend that was one of those play a month....be off 2.5 months...just before he gets wiped...he'll pay a month's subscription fee. He only pays for 3 months worth of TSO per year...even though he could afford to pay for the whole year. I was told that age does not continue to accumulate but it does. His sims have kept up with mine as far as age goes.


I think the point of this thread is that it would be NICE of EA to keep your sims on file. No one is expecting anyone to do anything, and I'm beginning to get annoyed by the comments listed here when you know full well what we are talking about.

It would be a wise business decision, and I think that's the point trying to be made by some of us here. If EA doesn't want to do that, then fine. As I said, go ahead and wipe my stuff and I'll slap my account with a "whatever" sign and move on with life.

I'm done with this thread.


hey gilly how long of non payment before your kicked from your homes? is it 90 days or 30 days?



I think the point of this thread is that it would be NICE of EA to keep your sims on file. No one is expecting anyone to do anything, and I'm beginning to get annoyed by the comments listed here when you know full well what we are talking about.

It would be a wise business decision, and I think that's the point trying to be made by some of us here. If EA doesn't want to do that, then fine. As I said, go ahead and wipe my stuff and I'll slap my account with a "whatever" sign and move on with life.

I'm done with this thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

How long should EA sit there and look at a bunch of unpaid accounts and not figure out the player has said 'whatever'?

So EA is supposed to sit there like Sweet Little Granny?

Be all nicey-nicey to the ungrateful deadbeat grandkids when they show up at her door wanting something? EA is running a business where they are meant to make a profit. There is only so much 'nice' they can afford to offer.

I think the EA was 'Nice' to allow Luc, Lee and the rest the time and stretched funding to try to resurrect the game. These 'unpaying' players certainly weren't supporting the effort. But NOW that we have something good coming our way, they want to come back and expect to pick up where they left off? Wonder what the outcry would be if EA took valuable resources/money to reinstate those 'stale' unpaid accounts. There has to be a cut off somewhere.

Actually, they should glad to have a game to come back to at all.

I find it difficult to understand why people not paying their subscription fees think that entitles them to a lifetime of service from EA?

As for the originator, be grateful if you still have your little founder flag. And there are many very young founders in the productions cities. I don't really think many will think anything of it.



hey gilly how long of non payment before your kicked from your homes? is it 90 days or 30 days?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not Gilly, but I'm pretty sure its 30 days before you loose your home. No doubt someone will correct me if I'm wrong.





hey gilly how long of non payment before your kicked from your homes? is it 90 days or 30 days?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not Gilly, but I'm pretty sure its 30 days before you loose your home. No doubt someone will correct me if I'm wrong.


[/ QUOTE ]

With the approaching merge of the cities into EAland, I don't know how safe 'unpaid' accounts will be. 'Pre-merge' may not be a time when subscriber smay want to be in 'long term' unpaid status mode?





hey gilly how long of non payment before your kicked from your homes? is it 90 days or 30 days?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not Gilly, but I'm pretty sure its 30 days before you loose your home. No doubt someone will correct me if I'm wrong.


[/ QUOTE ]

With the approaching merge of the cities into EAland, I don't know how safe 'unpaid' accounts will be. 'Pre-merge' may not be a time when subscriber smay want to be in 'long term' unpaid status mode?

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, maybe one of you pub heads
can tell me if this has been discussed. Currently any unpaid for and inactive accounts eventually get deleted. So when the option to have a free non-entitled account is implemented will they be stopping the deletion of sims? I wonder how this will be determined.


Right its 30 days to get booted from your home and 90 to lose your sim. We talked about a special pre-wipe DADDI cleanup at the pub so I too wouldnt suggest long term inactivity at this point.


I was planning on asking that question today Jackiee. In Toontown we used to lose toons with inactivity, but the way I understand it now that they have free accts, they dont allow access to the game past toontown central but they dont delete your toons. This seems fair to me except in TSO/EA Land free accts are supposed to be restricted in areas of money and houses, would a paying acct that becomes a free acct lose these things still? How would non payers feel about property/money wipes if they got to keep their sims? How would this affect inventory? I guess all this comes down to how they ultimately decide free accts will work.



I was planning on asking that question today Jackiee. In Toontown we used to lose toons with inactivity, but the way I understand it now that they have free accts, they dont allow access to the game past toontown central but they dont delete your toons. This seems fair to me except in TSO/EA Land free accts are supposed to be restricted in areas of money and houses, would a paying acct that becomes a free acct lose these things still? How would non payers feel about property/money wipes if they got to keep their sims? How would this affect inventory? I guess all this comes down to how they ultimately decide free accts will work.

[/ QUOTE ]

I noticed that on Toontown and thought it was a great idea.

There's only one difference, toons don't age. The only way you can increase your level is by actually playing.

Now here's another question. How does it work when someone has a 'freebie' account for awhile accumulating age on a sim and then decides to make it a 'paid' sim. That might not settle well with people that are actually paying?

Players could intentionally sign up for freebies and allow them to 'age' without paying for them and then change them over to paying status? But I guess that would insure a 'future' income for EA but still might not go over well with paying customers.



I was planning on asking that question today Jackiee. In Toontown we used to lose toons with inactivity, but the way I understand it now that they have free accts, they dont allow access to the game past toontown central but they dont delete your toons. This seems fair to me except in TSO/EA Land free accts are supposed to be restricted in areas of money and houses, would a paying acct that becomes a free acct lose these things still? How would non payers feel about property/money wipes if they got to keep their sims? How would this affect inventory? I guess all this comes down to how they ultimately decide free accts will work.

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess a sim not being deleted is not the worst scenario in the world... (will suck for those who want a specific name they can't get). It will make some in this thread happy though
Since free accounts can not own property, there will no longer be an issue of "trial" accounts taking up property and EA can still implement moving an inactive formerly paid account out of the property.




I was planning on asking that question today Jackiee. In Toontown we used to lose toons with inactivity, but the way I understand it now that they have free accts, they dont allow access to the game past toontown central but they dont delete your toons. This seems fair to me except in TSO/EA Land free accts are supposed to be restricted in areas of money and houses, would a paying acct that becomes a free acct lose these things still? How would non payers feel about property/money wipes if they got to keep their sims? How would this affect inventory? I guess all this comes down to how they ultimately decide free accts will work.

[/ QUOTE ]

I noticed that on Toontown and thought it was a great idea.

There's only one difference, toons don't age. The only way you can increase your level is by actually playing.

Now here's another question. How does it work when someone has a 'freebie' account for awhile accumulating age on a sim and then decides to make it a 'paid' sim. That might not settle well with people that are actually paying?

Players could intentionally sign up for freebies and allow them to 'age' without paying for them and then change them over to paying status? But I guess that would insure a 'future' income for EA but still might not go over well with paying customers.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't see why this would bother paying players. Its not like the unpaid age entitles them to any of the anniversary gifts(right?), and they are playing for those days.
But I may be missing the point, it's Monday and the coffee still isn't working like it's supposed to.

imported_Spaghetti Legs

THIS is what MaxisRandy stated about sim purging operations on 06/16/05:

"The actions by the DADDI crew to accounts that have been (and remain) cancelled or unpaid are:
30 days: move sim out of property; empty lots become available
90 days: flag sim as ready for deletion
120 days: delete any sims which have been flagged for over 30 days

So you have a total of 120 days or 4 months to renew your account and save your sim..."


Thanks, Gilly (and others) for the insightful and constructive replies!

To the rest: I never said I expected EA to keep anything of mine (technically their's). I am no more special than the next guy; My money is no better, my time no more precious. What I did say is it would be nice if we could come back to our old sims, skill locks and founders icon. If not, well, I guess we deal with it in our own way. No?

It seems to me the reactions to this post are stronger than my reaction to finding my sims gone, lol. Honestly people, lighten up! There are much more important issues going on in the world to get your panties in a bunch over!

I agree with you Starrfoxx, I am SO done with this thread.


Safe travels,




How would non payers feel about property/money wipes if they got to keep their sims? How would this affect inventory? I guess all this comes down to how they ultimately decide free accts will work.

[/ QUOTE ]

My understanding is that free account holders will not have the option to make simoleans in-game, they will have to buy them from EA. If that is the case, then if I was a free account holder I'd be fine if my property was wiped because I was inactive, but if I spent rl cash for simoleans and THEY got wiped because I was inactive for a period of time, watch me hit the roof. If there is going to be a way that free account holders CAN make simoleans in game, even at a greatly reduced pace, without HAVING to buy them from EA, then in that case I'd be OK if they were wiped if I was inactive, because it would be no different than re-skilling......just a matter of time to get them back.

You asked the question
so there's my answer


I think that we need to get more information about how they intend to handle 'freebie' accounts and what the process is for converting them to paid accounts. There are some issues that need to be addressed with freebies.

I for one would like to know how they will be doing it and if current account holders would like to convert accounts to freebie status too.

I have an account or two that are soley around because of 1 sim on each account. If I could bump them down to freebie status and keep that one sim, I could save a lot of money.

But as for the subject of this thread, freebie accounts will definitely take care of these issues. I wonder if these 'on again/off again' payers would be happy with the bumped down priviledges that will be offered with the free accounts if they know that at least their main sim will remain without having to pay for it. Figure this, free accounts would save these players $120 a year. I think they probably could afford to pay EA a few bucks to make themselves look like big spenders in the new city.



I wonder if these 'on again/off again' payers would be happy with the bumped down priviledges that will be offered with the free accounts if they know that at least their main sim will remain without having to pay for it. Figure this, free accounts would save these players $120 a year. I think they probably could afford to pay EA a few bucks to make themselves look like big spenders in the new city.

[/ QUOTE ]

I understand being in financial straits and needing to prioritize. I wonder, though, if that includes the stop at the coffee shop once in a while for that $4 or more per cup, cup of coffee, or candy, etc. If it does, then perhaps a family member would be willing to help you maintain your account. I know I would help my daughter keep her account, if the game meant that much to her. Otherwise, consider not purchasing the coffee and use that money to maintain the account even if you cannot afford your internet connection at the moment.

Those of us who take breaks from our games, as mentioned in a previous post, should still keep the account paid. I, too, am a founder, and I also took a break from the game. My reason was the loss of Maze. So, I just popped in periodically to say "Hi" to my Sims. I knew that if I didn't pay, I'd loose everything and everysimbody. I lost a lot of friends due to my absence and/or their decisions to abandon the game. So, if you just want to take a break and come back later, 6 months, 2 years, whatever, you knew when you joined that pay=play=live forever.

I want my parking space saved, too. But I won't be back for 3 or 4 years. Thanks for understanding.

Best Regards,
