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Returning and looking for family oriented guild.


Just has to be active. I'll gladly help once I train up a bit. Not looking for handouts or gifts, just camaraderie. On Atlantic. Currently a strict Paladin and just used a mythic token on it. Character is Loren Soth.

Thank you

Lady Lavendar

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
United we Fight, UWF, is a Trammel based, friendly family oriented guild for adults. You must be 18 or older to join. We have Tramel based hunts every night at 9PM EST, except Tues when we have a guild meeting. We have groups getting together all day and into the evening for additional fun. Ask for a UWF Emissary in Help chat or ask someone in game. We are a very large guild, and welcome all skill levels. I will send you my icq number in a PM, if you use icq.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Patron
I second Lady Lavendar's message. We are very active in UWF, have a TeamSpeak channel, do hunts every night, have people online generally at all times and are willing to help get you up to speed in anyway possible.

Shoot me an ICQ if interested in getting more information.

Thanks and good luck!