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[Gardening] Returning after another long UO Break



Since SA just came out I decided to come back and see some new stuff. I'm really happy about seed stacking and I've collected about 700 plant cuttings and 200 or so reeds... Now I need to get busy.

I've never seen the silver serpants that you milk for venom... I understand you need to make your own vials for that purpose and I know about the glassblowing and sand mining books so that will be taken care of. I saw that baskets need "Softened" reeds or something like that?

Can anyone give me a basic guide to making dyes or basic basketmaking description?

I know I'll need cooking skill but don't know how high it needs to be.

If anyone plays on Lake Austin, I'd really appreciate a little show and tell if you have time.



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Here's the page Petra put together on making the dyes (stains): New Dyes

And here is the uo playguide page on basket weaving.

For dyes, you can use an alchemist instead of a cook to mix the pigments, fixative and dye, if you have one. Basically you create pigment from clippings and a bottle, fixative from venom and wine, then you mix fixative and pigment to get dye. You can also mix pigments before you add the fixative to get a new set of colors (greys/silvers, ice & dark colors). The link above has a pic at the bottom of all the colors.

I haven't tried basket weaving yet so I am not much help there.

Silver serpents are most plentiful in the new SA territory - hopefully someone from Lake Austin will post and help you get there. In the meanwhile, you can find some sporadically south of Papua. You need to charm them with a new flute (carpenter w/music can make out of wood and 2 Blight) before you milk them. You can get a vial of venom on the dead corpse 1 out of 5 times. Also you boost your milking returns if you have GM poisoning.


Thanks for the links and info... I have a GM Alchy since I garden and go through so many potions... I'll use him to mix the dyes.

I'll look at whether to get poisoning on my main or poisoning on a Soulstone on that account so I can use it when needed, or just kill the things.

If I grind the plant parts I'll get pigments and those also stack and can be mixed, all without the serpant venom, right? Venom is the last step to make it "Usable"?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
right, you can make your pigments before you ever get the serpent venom. They do stack, but don't automatically stack, so you have to stack them afterwards.

btw on snake charming - you target a silver serpent, and then it gives you another targeting cursor - click somewhere (i pick close to me since you have to be close to 'milk' it) - then use your venom vials on it. You can only get 2 vials off the serp before it's all milked out, at which point you can kill it and potentially pick up another vial off it's body (the gold ain't bad either *laughs*).


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
also, here's another link on basketweaving: http://uo.stratics.com/php-bin/show_content.php?content=31021

the toxic sliths spawn east of the royal city and randomly will have the venom sacs on their body. something i forgot to take into account when i made my first baskets was that you need several reeds per basket you make - 2 reeds per softened reed and then 1,2, or 3 softened reed per basket (i messed up and only got one softened reed per color when i was working on this and so i ended up making picnic baskets *laughs*)

as I recall, it was mostly my tinker that I used in basketweaving