My wife and I used to play UO, but having played for 8+ years. I no longer remember much about the game (except for how much fun I had
) and I no longer have access to my old account, so I will be starting from scratch... so I have a few questions.
1. I'm west coast. What shard(s) should I aim for if I hope to have a decent sized house at some point? Or is housing like it used to be, ie. lucky if you can get a tiny house at all?
2. Something that really put me out was the 8x8ing and how people used to script 8x8 their characters. Is 8x8ing still "the thing to do" when raising a character, or did they get rid of that mechanic?
3. I'm reading about the new interface, enhanced client, chats, etc... the game hasn't been "WoW-ified" has it? Is it the still sort of free form sandbox there used to be?
4. Is there a still solid balance between soloability, multiplayer content, and crafting?
5. I used to have several characters including a well build mage/bard and archer/paladin. OF course I know little of the mechanics changes that have happened over the years - how has barding changed? Have they made it a bit less overpowered? (I remember soloing some pretty ridiculous stuff
I really enjoyed the archer/chivalry character, was a lot of fun but I can't hardly remember why lol
Does this sort of build still "work"?
6. How's the community and economy doing? Still alive and well and worth getting back into it?
7. Do folks still depend strictly on crafting mules? Or have they done something to where you can craft on a "main" character?
8. I'm sure I'll have other questions, but i've asked too many already. Thanks for your time, and I'm excited to be coming back for a try
1. I'm west coast. What shard(s) should I aim for if I hope to have a decent sized house at some point? Or is housing like it used to be, ie. lucky if you can get a tiny house at all?
2. Something that really put me out was the 8x8ing and how people used to script 8x8 their characters. Is 8x8ing still "the thing to do" when raising a character, or did they get rid of that mechanic?
3. I'm reading about the new interface, enhanced client, chats, etc... the game hasn't been "WoW-ified" has it? Is it the still sort of free form sandbox there used to be?
4. Is there a still solid balance between soloability, multiplayer content, and crafting?
5. I used to have several characters including a well build mage/bard and archer/paladin. OF course I know little of the mechanics changes that have happened over the years - how has barding changed? Have they made it a bit less overpowered? (I remember soloing some pretty ridiculous stuff
6. How's the community and economy doing? Still alive and well and worth getting back into it?
7. Do folks still depend strictly on crafting mules? Or have they done something to where you can craft on a "main" character?
8. I'm sure I'll have other questions, but i've asked too many already. Thanks for your time, and I'm excited to be coming back for a try