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Stratics Veteran
Hey guys, you may not remember me (not sure who is still out there) but i played UO for over a decade on Atlantic and Baja (mostly baja) before i retired 3 or 4 or 5 years or however long ago. But i've been contemplating returning multiple times since i quit. Pretty sure i lost everything when i quit. Didn't prepare, but what can ya do.

My characters were Roland of Gilead, NAPOLEON I, Inigo Montoya, and a few others i don't even remember. Was in a few guilds GHT, SoD, and Cartel/Team Cartel.

My questions. Is the game worth coming back to? Is baja? Is there anyone still around that i know? Is Cartel still around? Does SI still smell funny?

The Slug

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cartel Does Not Smell Funny!
Not so sure about that ... but the smell he is referring to might have been GHT. Having a slug, a goblin, a llama and a zombie all under one roof can create quite an array of not so pleasant aromas I'd guess. In fact the plots my houses were in still might be a bit malodorous (not planning on coming back to check tho lol)