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Return Britannia


Sho Hashi

So, I was inspired by the Return Britannia program to track down my old account, which was closed in '01. After about an hour with EA (I basically didn't remember anything about my old account), we managed to get it up and running. Now, I restarted UO about a year ago with a new account and kept wondering what great stuff I had on my old account. Here's what I found:

Five characters on LS, the best of whom is a GM Warrior, despite having 7 skills in her 60s (and nothing higher). The other 4 characters had skills maxed in the 30-40 range. This is kinda funny considering I played all the time (anyone remember Ham Sandwich from the late 90s?). I don't think I ever did any skill building.

A bank box full of charged items and undead slayers. I can only assume these used to be vanq and silver weaps and magic armor.

About 75,000 gold (inflation really set in during the past decade, huh?).

The only interesting thing I found was a pair of bronze colored plate legs that don't say they are bronze. I can only assume that anything I had of any value was in my house, which probably decayed about 8 years ago.

Anyway, just thought I would share.

Shamus Turlough

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome back. Lots has changed in the past few years. Don't get overwhelmed by all the new content. Also, I would suggest attending next Monday's community meetup. There you can introduce yourself and get any help you may need.

Sho Hashi

Oh, I have been playing on Sonoma for the past year. Yes, there were a ton of changes. I doubt I am going to start back up on LS, although I did notice that I was wrong about Ham Sandwich--I have 100s in anat, tact, swords, and almost in archery. I always like Ham Sandwich, so maybe I'll get her going with some sort of weird template. Not sure I like the idea of playing on two different shards with two different accounts, though.

I'm also thinking of trading this account for in-game gold on Sonoma, if anyone is interested.