Are you logging your ToT results? Well, I am.
During this log nothing changed. Same char, same critters, same place, same technique. I sometimes Discoed the prey to speed up the kill. 1,420 Luck Tamer/Bard with GD.
1st ToT, Legs of Stability -- 10 minutes of killing
2nd ToT, Farmer's Kasa -- 20 minutes of killing
3rd ToT, Pigment -- 51 minutes of killing
4th ToT, Pigment -- 24 minutes of killing
So 4 marties in 105 minutes, 26 minutes per martie.
I checked my bank and I have a Chest of Heirlooms so sometime in there I received another martie. So 5 marties in 105 minutes, 21 minutes per martie!
Please post your ToT logs.
During this log nothing changed. Same char, same critters, same place, same technique. I sometimes Discoed the prey to speed up the kill. 1,420 Luck Tamer/Bard with GD.
1st ToT, Legs of Stability -- 10 minutes of killing
2nd ToT, Farmer's Kasa -- 20 minutes of killing
3rd ToT, Pigment -- 51 minutes of killing
4th ToT, Pigment -- 24 minutes of killing
So 4 marties in 105 minutes, 26 minutes per martie.
I checked my bank and I have a Chest of Heirlooms so sometime in there I received another martie. So 5 marties in 105 minutes, 21 minutes per martie!
Please post your ToT logs.