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[Discussion] Resolution


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I found an item in an idoc fairly recently that I would call questionable. I remember at some point they were listed as illegal on the UO website (as were sigil items). I pmed Mesanna this evening and she came and checked it out and informed me that it is legal. We've had a few posts regarding illegal items here lately and the common answer has always been to pm Mesanna. If you ever find an item that you consider questionable than I encourage you to pm her yourself, it was a great exchange and very informative. It is certainly better than keeping a questionable item and risking your account.

Oh, the item I q'd her about is called a Belt Pouch. Its just a common brown pouch graphic.

Also, you may want to meet her in a less common area. I met her at Brit Bank and since I was the only person that could see and hear her I probably came off as crazier than normal, as I sat their seemingly talking and laughing to no one but myself...

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Thanks for the information Athelas. Wish we had a "Is it Legal?" thread for players to check like the false rares and rares archive with pictures. Players always seem to ask me, and for the record, I never know.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I found an item in an idoc fairly recently that I would call questionable. I remember at some point they were listed as illegal on the UO website (as were sigil items). I pmed Mesanna this evening and she came and checked it out and informed me that it is legal. We've had a few posts regarding illegal items here lately and the common answer has always been to pm Mesanna. If you ever find an item that you consider questionable than I encourage you to pm her yourself, it was a great exchange and very informative. It is certainly better than keeping a questionable item and risking your account.

Oh, the item I q'd her about is called a Belt Pouch. Its just a common brown pouch graphic.

Also, you may want to meet her in a less common area. I met her at Brit Bank and since I was the only person that could see and hear her I probably came off as crazier than normal, as I sat their seemingly talking and laughing to no one but myself...
Yeh I had a similar item i wasnt sure about.. so i emailed her and she made me a very happy man.. told me my mirror image of a robe was an old ems robe on chessy about 2 yrs ago.. she told me it was 1 of 1.. it pays to email her..