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[Fishing] Request: Order Of The Dragonfish Books


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ahoy Mates.

So currently the fishing quest reward books are useless for anything other than deco, and after you have a set of 6, even that becomes moot.

When they first came out they were good for 250 turn in points but that was removed because of a silly oversight in their coding, which allowed them to be copied with inscription.

Bonnie has recently said they will be looking at fishing again soon, so I think we should request that these books be given some use. Finding a way safely to re-activate their turn in points would be nice, or perhaps something even cooler that the devs have in mind. But please don't leave them as they are now. It's incredibly frustrating to turn in a high point quest requiring resources that can carry a market value of over 100k, and essentially receive nothing as a reward.
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Siege... Where the fun begins.
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You make an excellent point.... You might want to PM one or more dev's with that idea, to be sure they consider it...


UO Forum Moderator
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I believe the easy way to fix the books would be to make them one of the types that the established stories come in off NPC vendors, and make those established books you can buy actually cost a lot, roughly equal to the value in donation at the most valuable spot. After all, the old story books are just deco, and don't have any real knowledge in-game that is usable.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I believe the easy way to fix the books would be to make them one of the types that the established stories come in off NPC vendors, and make those established books you can buy actually cost a lot, roughly equal to the value in donation at the most valuable spot. After all, the old story books are just deco, and don't have any real knowledge in-game that is usable.
Are these copy-able?

If not, that would make a nice solution.

I'm only sad that whatever hey come up, if anything, probably won't be retro-active as there might be no way to determine copied books from real reward books. :(
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