The shrouds are not blessable with a clothing bless deed... this needs to be fixed.
The replicas of event items that were blessed should all be blessable with CBD... even non-clothing items. Gladiator's collar, for example, should be able to be blessed with a CBD. This is what I expected when they announced the replicas and said they would be able to be blessed with a CBD. They did not specify which ones would be blessable and some would not... they simply said they would be blessable. They didn't say 'only the replica clothing items' would be blessable, they said replicas would be blessable with a CBD. At the very least, the shrouds should be changed.
They also need to fix the issue of people being able to use powder of forts on some of the replicas if they haven't had a pigment used on them yet. They announced that you wouldn't be able to use powder of fort on replicas... but sometimes you can.
P.S. Merry Christmas everyone!
P.P.S. except dragkiris
The replicas of event items that were blessed should all be blessable with CBD... even non-clothing items. Gladiator's collar, for example, should be able to be blessed with a CBD. This is what I expected when they announced the replicas and said they would be able to be blessed with a CBD. They did not specify which ones would be blessable and some would not... they simply said they would be blessable. They didn't say 'only the replica clothing items' would be blessable, they said replicas would be blessable with a CBD. At the very least, the shrouds should be changed.
They also need to fix the issue of people being able to use powder of forts on some of the replicas if they haven't had a pigment used on them yet. They announced that you wouldn't be able to use powder of fort on replicas... but sometimes you can.
P.S. Merry Christmas everyone!
P.P.S. except dragkiris