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Replacing magery on pets...


Hi guys! Am planning to train a freshly tamed 3-slot WW but would really like to have its magery skill replaced, may I know how you guys do this? Am I supposed to learn another skill in the same category as magery to have magery overwritten? What are some skills, if learned, would certainly replace the magery skill? Any benefits in having magery trained to GM first before having it replaced by another skill?

Thanks lots guys!


Stratics Veteran
Totally loses the magery and any skills associated with it once another "magic ability" is selected.


Thank you very much Khaelor! Just to clarify though since learning any other "magical abilities" would replace magery, is there no reason to even level up magery in the first place before learning another skill? I was told that there's some use to have magery at 100 even it's later replaced by another skill...thanks!


Stratics Veteran
When it loses magery, it gets no benefit from and can't even gain in the skill anymore and it will actually go down(from dying).