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Remove trap wait times for t-hunting

DreadLord Lestat

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Somewhere in some thread or another which I cannot find, someone posted how long it took to wait out the remove trap for each map level. To do this, I would kill off spawn from digging chest, pick the lock, then wait out the RT timer?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Correct. You don't need to pick the lock first or technically kill the spawn (although I would advise to at least do this). Once you kill the spawn (which will eat into the timer) recall away and come back X minutes later. I don't have the exact numbers but cache is something like 5-8min. Hoard is like 15-20min and Trove seems like it's 25-30min. Again those are ballparks as I haven't tried to get the exact time but if I take 5 hoard maps and just start digging/killing spawn of them (often will bring my samp too); by the time I get to the end of the last chest spawn and recall back to the first the timer is done. Trove is a little more tricky because I don't have 5 in a row to usually do.


Crazed Zealot
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Requires 100.0 Remove Trap skill for timers to be accurate, timer starts once the initial monsters spawn upon digging up a T-chest.

Lv 1 Map (stash) 30sec
Lv 2 Map (Supply) 60sec
Lv 3 Map (Cache) 2min 30sec
Lv 4 Map (Hoard) 7mins
Lv 5 Map (Trove) 10-11mins (didn't have enough maps to narrow this down to the exact time.)

If you wait for those timers you'll remove trap on the first try without spawning any additional mobs.


Grand Poobah
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I find remove traps exceeding easy. I have like 86 skill or something like that and I use a pet for my thunting (blue beetle level 4).

I start remove trap and walk a couple steps south with my beetle closer to the chest. I pre-cast invis. When the guardian pops - throw the pet on it, cast heal on myself and pre-cast invis for the next one.
Let pet kill them and then open chest. It takes no worse than a min or so for my pet to kill the guardians and very little risk of any damage to me with invis.

I think its pretty comical actually how easy they have made tmaps now. I thought it was supposed to be a group adventure but with the pet changes and thunting changes its easier than ever to solo any level.
With all the blues, pinks and jewels - tmaps are a gold mine now. Can get 1m gold in items,gold and jewels in a handful of maps.

DreadLord Lestat

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Or just kill the spawn. It's faster, and you don't have to time it.
I don't want to, don't enjoy fighting mobs with no benefit while having to constantly heal myself and I don't have room for more than 60 RT. I don't live on Atlantic and have suits worth multiple plats. I never had mining because I never needed it but already had to drop a bunch of med to add RT. Now when fighting Frost Dragons and Ancient Guardian Frost Dragons, I need to recall my pet away quite often to heal it since I run out of mana a lot without the med. Plus, I just don't want to. I get the urge to do maps and usually don't. I am currently playing a freeshard and trying to see if I want to even keep my last official account open any longer.

If you are reading this, please don't turn this thread into anything else. It is my opinion and why I was seeing if the waiting and digging up multiple chests is worth it for ME and MY playstyle. That was suggested to me in previous threads and I do not want this thread to turn into arguing over maps. I just wanted to know what the timers were so I could try it out for ME.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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i had no idea there was a timer that killed off the stuff.
could you imagine being a new player to UO and trying to catch up and keep up with all the millions of little things in this game?

hell, ive been here since day 1 and im still finding out new things constantly.... like the timer mentioned above.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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I find remove traps exceeding easy. I have like 86 skill or something like that and I use a pet for my thunting (blue beetle level 4).

I start remove trap and walk a couple steps south with my beetle closer to the chest. I pre-cast invis. When the guardian pops - throw the pet on it, cast heal on myself and pre-cast invis for the next one.
Let pet kill them and then open chest. It takes no worse than a min or so for my pet to kill the guardians and very little risk of any damage to me with invis.

I think its pretty comical actually how easy they have made tmaps now. I thought it was supposed to be a group adventure but with the pet changes and thunting changes its easier than ever to solo any level.
With all the blues, pinks and jewels - tmaps are a gold mine now. Can get 1m gold in items,gold and jewels in a handful of maps.
i feel that we may be related somehow....
that is EXACTLY what i do with my T maps.
i have a 5 slot beetle and i precast invis and clean, rinse repeat.


I Hate Skilling
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i had no idea there was a timer that killed off the stuff.
could you imagine being a new player to UO and trying to catch up and keep up with all the millions of little things in this game?

hell, ive been here since day 1 and im still finding out new things constantly.... like the timer mentioned above.
Thats why there is always something new to do in UO, you just have to be curious and investigate. But posters still complain there is nothing new to do. Even tho there is every 3 months.


Lore Master
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I think its pretty comical actually how easy they have made tmaps now. I thought it was supposed to be a group adventure but with the pet changes and thunting changes its easier than ever to solo any level.
With all the blues, pinks and jewels - tmaps are a gold mine now. Can get 1m gold in items,gold and jewels in a handful of maps.
I dunno, I do a lot of t-hunts. I guess some of them are technically solo-able, just not fun to do so. I spent 20 minutes trying to kill 1 of 5 allosauruses in Eodon, now I just trash those maps for points. Renegade changelings are really annoying, I finally found a way to kill them but they take a long time. As a group - yay, let's all share the 1500 gold on the corpse.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I dunno, I do a lot of t-hunts. I guess some of them are technically solo-able, just not fun to do so. I spent 20 minutes trying to kill 1 of 5 allosauruses in Eodon, now I just trash those maps for points. Renegade changelings are really annoying, I finally found a way to kill them but they take a long time. As a group - yay, let's all share the 1500 gold on the corpse.
Save the Eodon ones for me, Ill call out and take a group. Most of the ones I get are right in the T Rex area.