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Reminder: Developer Meet and Greet tomorrow (Jan. 11) on Origin, 9 PM EST


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Bring your smiling faces and your questions :)

If anyone has questions they would like to ask, post 'em here!


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What are the events for this year on the production shards?

Or will they blow another chance to get more players since a lot of people are working from home.

New legacy should be ready to go live. They have been working on it for a year.


Crazed Zealot
Bring your smiling faces and your questions :)

If anyone has questions they would like to ask, post 'em here!
What about that idea about pet insurance for trained / untrained pets that would counter the "pets going wild" issues esp. with the new Events? Also to counter the "poof" of the statuette pets?
AND what about the rideable Frost Beetles and Ossein Rams? Are they going to happen some time?
You can reference my rant (Popps-like Book) :



Crazed Zealot
Also another useful question:

Doom Gauntlet and Dark Father loot/upgrade? Non-artie item backpack drops resetting the count there? Good luck with them doing anything about that there..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Will you COMPLETELY revert out ALL the lose-a-swing things that Bleak did in 2015?
(Yeah, don't ask that. Already asked. Mesanna passed it to Bleak who was AFK. Kyronix eventually noticed that Bleak was AFK and Kyronix was clueless. Kyronix wrongly thought they had already been reverted out. When Bleak FINALLY woke up he just copied/pasted his release notes instead of saying anything new/useful. Disgraceful and unprofessional, Mesanna, Kyronix, Bleak. No pom-poms for you.)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I'd definitely like to know the 2021 road map for prod shards. I suspect it's probably going to be alternating the "Treasures of" with a dynamic Champ spawn which will be pretty stale after a few iterations but honestly I'll take that over what we got Jan-Jun last year which was nada.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
1. I have a question concerning the Tile quest. Is there any way we could exchanges tiles we have extra of for those we are missing?

2. During the EM events we are blocked at casting gate for others to join the fun, I do understand why, but there is a problem with getting pets to the fight. several time I have enter a EM gate (ordering me pet to follow) only to arrival at the battle site without the pet. To get the pet there since the summon balls are blocked I have to log out and log back, and there are time this takes forever. And I have log in, only to be dead and the message your pet cannot join you. Can we get the pet ball summon fixed for those events??

3. is the fishing pole considered a weapon? If not, why is it not as it is the fisherman's main weapon? If so why is it the weapon engrave tool will not work on it?

4. why is it the wood engraving tool cannot mark Baskets? Are they not also made of wood like material?


Seasoned Veteran
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I would have like to ask if there's any kind of updates or plans to bring monsters back to the empty areas of the Castle Blackthorn Dungeon?

Also, if there's any plans to reintroduce equivalent forms of cloth/armor artifacts with properties from past events such as an equivalent form of Lord Morphius’s Epaulettes or Umbria’s Spellbook?

Thank you


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
1. I have a question concerning the Tile quest. Is there any way we could exchanges tiles we have extra of for those we are missing?
I remember one of them saying, maybe kyronix, that since uo is a multi player game we should socialize and trade with others in the spirit of being an online mmo. I'm paraphrasing but something to that effect.
But it is hard to trade tiles if there isn't anyone to trade with.

It's a very time consuming quest and only one tile per character to boot . I have a full set but would like extra blue ones ( honesty )
But there doesn't seem to be any for sale or trade on the shard I play.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
I remember one of them saying, maybe kyronix, that since uo is a multi player game we should socialize and trade with others in the spirit of being an online mmo. I'm paraphrasing but something to that effect.
But it is hard to trade tiles if there isn't anyone to trade with.

It's a very time consuming quest and only one tile per character to boot . I have a full set but would like extra blue ones ( honesty )
But there doesn't seem to be any for sale or trade on the shard I play.
The one I missing on Sonoma, I been making Neeb tamers on Atlantic and bringing them over for the quest then shipping them off to shards I still needed to travel/fight.
The extras I have, It would be so easy to just trade in one to get the one I wish for. Sonoma is a small shard (players) and it been a up hill battle to get the ones I got so far.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Well...Uriah apparently wrote down a bunch of questions in a book and handed it to her instead of asking out loud so I didn't want to double-dip questions.

Next time just ask because now she can answer or not at her leisure and I have basically Drakelords questions to post and that's it.

I heard beforehand that you had a bunch of questions you were going to ask so didn't bother clicking the stone.

Luckily they didn't leave right away so I will ask a few.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
No she wouldnt take the book, I have to email them to her...that's her thing I guess. Anyway, I will send her the email tomorrow, and might post the list of questions here as well so yall can see whaT they were. Got some from here, some from facebook, some from the wife, lol. all over questions

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
TBH I ended up with 20 something questions, thats why the book idea...I knew there was no way she was gonna stand there and let me ask more than 2 or 3... Sorry for the confusion


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Oh no worries! But that lady gets like 463786348634 e-mails lol, who knows when she'd be able to get to it!

I asked a few more, working on getting the transcript posted up soon.

Billy Butcher

First time going to one on Neo the White Knight. Had no idea I had to click a stone or where the stone was. Had a few suggestions I may just log into the official UO forum and @ them the question. But then 50 people will jump on it diluting the value.....

Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
First time going to one on Neo the White Knight. Had no idea I had to click a stone or where the stone was. Had a few suggestions I may just log into the official UO forum and @ them the question. But then 50 people will jump on it diluting the value.....
I highly doubt she responds. She has 8 posts in almost 3 years. You’re more likely to get an answer if you wait for the next M&G.

Billy Butcher

Yeah I imagine the same with emails ..... sure send me an email ...... *chuckles to self* ...... will be waiting for it.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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First time going to one on Neo the White Knight. Had no idea I had to click a stone or where the stone was. Had a few suggestions I may just log into the official UO forum and @ them the question. But then 50 people will jump on it diluting the value.....
50 will jump on and it's highly unlikely you will get a response... they only respond once in a purple moon in march... and that's if you are lucky... and if you are kissing their behinds enough... that forum is as useless as a sweater for a husky...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Any transcription of this?
Ive not heard from devs for a month, Id like to hear whats going on, esp with the dynamic ice event enending very soon.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Any transcription of this?
Ive not heard from devs for a month, Id like to hear whats going on, esp with the dynamic ice event enending very soon.

@Larisa - Anything of value come from the M&G or was it the same responses saying everything is working as intended or "not at this time" (in reference to posting a 2021 roadmap)?


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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I posted the transcript last night....it should have fed through here to UHall..sorry guys!

Here you go!


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
I sent my log to Larisa regarding the questions I asked. She will compile it asap


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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You left before it was over Drake! A few more people asked questions, thankfully. I did manage to get in a few more from here. I don't usually go on my Larisa Character but I was there ;)


Stratics Veteran
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* Rolls the magic answer D6 * Yes, No, Maybe, I dont know, your not the Boss of me now. Can't talk about it.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh no worries! But that lady gets like 463786348634 e-mails lol, who knows when she'd be able to get to it!

I asked a few more, working on getting the transcript posted up soon.

Larisa, sorry for them not getting the questions. Was so many and so long I just thought it was simpler to hand her a book with the. She didn't want it, told me to email instead. I been busy all morning, and since all the answer are just gonna be no, maybe, later, soon, or they just ignore it completely, Im not even gonna bother with the email. And don't worry about me messing up another M&G either, that was my last one.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Larisa, sorry for them not getting the questions. Was so many and so long I just thought it was simpler to hand her a book with the. She didn't want it, told me to email instead. I been busy all morning, and since all the answer are just gonna be no, maybe, later, soon, or they just ignore it completely, Im not even gonna bother with the email. And don't worry about me messing up another M&G either, that was my last one.
Oh you didn't mess it up hun no worries! We all know by now, or should, that unless you ask fluff questions, you won't really get an answer. I would have thought the book idea was great! E-mails she can ignore :( But even if you get answers you don't want, at least we know the questions were asked. I don't care much for the M&G's anymore either.

Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Larisa, sorry for them not getting the questions. Was so many and so long I just thought it was simpler to hand her a book with the. She didn't want it, told me to email instead. I been busy all morning, and since all the answer are just gonna be no, maybe, later, soon, or they just ignore it completely, Im not even gonna bother with the email. And don't worry about me messing up another M&G either, that was my last one.
Please send them.At least then we’d know for sure.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
First time going to one on Neo the White Knight. Had no idea I had to click a stone or where the stone was. Had a few suggestions I may just log into the official UO forum and @ them the question. But then 50 people will jump on it diluting the value.....
You really want to see a thread full of Popps ”fixes” for the game when he knows there is a thread Messina is watching?


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Why is it white text on white background?
It's not on my end...I use the dark background


I'll see if I can find a happy medium that looks good on both backgrounds.

Billy Butcher

What does get me a little bit is she said ok well that's all we had signed up. So I looked around for something that sparkled or something to click cause I was guessing that was a hint to sign up before they poofed cause she said it twice. Didn't see anyone go anywhere to sign up and I left. Well some did sign up and get questions answered. Would it have been that hard for her to say well that is all we have signed up, ohh if anyone wants to sign up here we have time for more questions. Never been to one before and it wasn't really a obvious thing when we all formed a line of sorts lol.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Actually I think it's on your end Laura...I've tried all the styles and it's easily readable in all of them.



And Billy? There's a stone, looks like a guildstone right in front of where they stand, if you mouse over it, it says click on me to ask a questioin or something to that effect so people don't have to stand in a line anymore.

Billy Butcher

And Billy? There's a stone, looks like a guildstone right in front of where they stand, if you mouse over it, it says click on me to ask a questioin or something to that effect so people don't have to stand in a line anymore.
Yeah no' 'o'ally steamed abou' i'. Bin a while faw some 'hings an' some 'hings are new again. I will jus' try 'o make de nex' one an' click 'he stone. Jus' 'ryin 'o enjoy 'he game. My suggesshun was goin 'o be faw dyes an' mounts 'ha' ma'ch 'he special colar ov 'he dungeon armaw. Dis is some'hin 'ha' would be new an' kinda unique wi'h every one. Sawry faw 'he slang all ou' ov my whiskey an' my slur is gone.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Yeah no' 'o'ally steamed abou' i'. Bin a while faw some 'hings an' some 'hings are new again. I will jus' try 'o make de nex' one an' click 'he stone. Jus' 'ryin 'o enjoy 'he game. My suggesshun was goin 'o be faw dyes an' mounts 'ha' ma'ch 'he special colar ov 'he dungeon armaw. Dis is some'hin 'ha' would be new an' kinda unique wi'h every one. Sawry faw 'he slang all ou' ov my whiskey an' my slur is gone.
Dyes would be nice...mounts? Not so sure....I think there are some dyes that are close from BOD rewards.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Yeah no' 'o'ally steamed abou' i'. Bin a while faw some 'hings an' some 'hings are new again. I will jus' try 'o make de nex' one an' click 'he stone. Jus' 'ryin 'o enjoy 'he game. My suggesshun was goin 'o be faw dyes an' mounts 'ha' ma'ch 'he special colar ov 'he dungeon armaw. Dis is some'hin 'ha' would be new an' kinda unique wi'h every one. Sawry faw 'he slang all ou' ov my whiskey an' my slur is gone.

FINALLEE! Uh hummiez dat kan talkiez kinda rite! Bout timez wun ob yooz learned how. Nowz az yooz supreeem rulerz meez wantz yooz to teach all da udda hummiez to talkiez rite!

Lord Frodo

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Stratics Legend
Popps is the main reason I don't post there.
“Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” -Mark Twain.
Those are getting closed perty quick and even the mods are getting in on the feedback to popps, go check it out.