Prince Caspian
(Some ambient music)
- Remember when it was actually difficult to build a GM Mage?
- Remember when you could have multiple houses?
- Remember how crowded the "wilds" of Britannia was with all these houses?
- Remember tents creating recall-courtyards in front of castles?
- Remember risking losing everything if you died with your key?
- Remember the PK Sweeps in the dungeons?
- Remember bomb boxes?
- Remember Happy Meals? (backpacks filled with loot and a bomb box and put out in the open for a sucker while the sab hid nearby)
- Remember everyone killing Santa Claus to get his gloves?
- Remember when houses had no storage limits (and no secure containers)?
- Remember when there was no insurance?
- Remember when a newbie thief could steal any item?
- Remember people being nervous when you stood next to them at the bank?
- Remember when you had to ID any item you found?
- Remember CatHat?
- Remember the great land grab when Malas opened?
- Remember when comm crystals were actually useful?
- Remember when someone cast a fire field, everyone would run to stand in it to raise their resist?
- Remember how, when you died at the bank, everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and ran to your corpse to see if you had anything?
- Remember the "True Black Dye Tub" scam?