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Regular EM Meet - Breakfast Safari - Wednesdays


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Regular EM Meet - Breakfast Safari - Wed - Next on 23rd

The Breakfast Safari
Date : Wednesdays 6:00-8:00am PST. Reoccurring each week unless specified.

*Seeking Guest Chefs & Establishments*


This is a social event where everyone is welcome to drop in anytime over the two hours. It's timed to suit our off-hour players mostly, but could be something prime time players can participate in once in a while, perhaps while sipping a coffee before work or school.

Each week a new location will be chosen to keep it fresh. It may be general POI such as the Ilshenar Zoo, or it may be a player created establishment like a tavern or museum. We'll gather there for an in-game breakfast and chat. Although it's called a safari, we won't actually be going anywhere with especially hostile spawn. We'll lay down some tables and chairs if needed, as well as an oven for cooking.

We'll be chatting about anything on the grapevine, be it events, community topics, or just joking around. It may even lead to some plans for off-hour events if there turns out to be enough active people on at those times. The main goal is simply to meet people, and to make new friends and contacts throughout the community. Hopefully we can have a laugh or two on the way. So bring your stories, your jokes, your ideas, your friends, and your coffee.

For Chefs & Establishment Owners.
It would be fantasic to be able to visit some of the player run establishments. If you have somewhere nice to enjoy a chat over a morning meal, please let me know and we'll head on over one week. For player owned houses, please remember to put some chairs and table out for us, as well as an oven for cooking. ;)
Chefs, we need you! I'm really not a good cook, and sooner or later I'm going to end up poisoning someone. So if you can cook , definitely send me a message and we can work out a day for you to come as a guest chef. The menu will be left in your capable hands.
I'm pretty easy to contact. A post or PM here will work. Also the Pacific EM website (Linky) will always get through.

A Note On Prime Time Meetings
Fear not, we are planning to start regular community meetings in a prime time slot soon. We are just working out the details atm. The breakfast meetings were easier to schedule, being out of range of the favored event time slots, and this is why they have been announced earlier. A prime time meet is coming, we promise. :)

I'll wait a day or two before posting info on this thread about the first Breakfast Safari this week in case someone would like to nominate an establishment, or volunteer as a guest chef.

See you there!

EM Tailspin

(thank you Joy, for my cool new sig!)


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So for our very first meet...

I'm very happy to say we have had a player establishment nominated.

The tavern in Eldador, [E|F]'s player town, will be the venue. [E|F] has also said they may be able to supply a chef. Woot!

I'll create a long term-gate from Luna bank for the duration of the meet. Look for it by the EM Event Announcer guy.

See you early birds there!

EM Tailspin


UO Event Moderator
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Stratics Legend
The second Breakfast Safari is a coming up! :)

This week we will be at Ashley's Tavern in the ETOD player town on malas.

At the moment myself and Joy are the default chefs, but we are looking for any Guests Chefs interested. Please let us know if you are good for some chow makin'.

A gate will opened be at Luna bank again, right next to the Event Announcer guy. It will be up for the full two hours. (6-8am PST)

Hope to see you there!

EM Tailspin


UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
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Stratics Legend

Piping pancakes! Our last breakfast made Stratics pic of the week! Check it out at http://uo.stratics.com. If you came, chances are you got your mug on the front page, coffee mug of course.

This week we are headed to Hanse's Hostel. It's a cozy little NPC tavern/inn a good hike along the road south of Luna. (16.48'N 17.55'W)
As usual there will be gate from the EM event announcer inside Luna bank from 6am PST.

Would any one like to volunteer as our guest chef? :pancakes:

The hot topic on the table this week will be next week's breakfast, because next week there wont be a breakfast meet. In it's place we are going to have an EM event at that same time slot. :thumbup1:

Looking forward to sharing a cup of Joe.

EM Tailspin