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regarding issues with training 3-slot pre patch dragons.....

Grace of Minoc

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
...understand there are issues with pet training on them.
I just picked one up on another shard and am waiting the time out to take it to test.

One thing I noticed is that they do not follow the correct formula when blessed for
their STR. Only STR I noticed this with.

Natural STR 806 should be blessed to 910 with 120 eval.
It is only blessed to 906. This is not 13% bump.

However, when I take of my totem that gives me 10 eval, thus having 110 eval
it goes to 902 when blessed, which is the proper 12% bump for 110 eval bless.

Certainly no coder here, but could this be a bug in its max possible STR values that
is causing the issues of it not taking well to the new pet training?

The pre patch white wyrm I transferred over is not having this issue, it is being bumped up
in STR properly.

Just wondering if any of you noticed this on your dragons you are having issues with?


Stratics Veteran
The issue currently plaguing 3 slot dragons is purely due to the pet exploit fix. The three slot dragons are reverting/losing training just like exploited pets who got caught in the fix. Their "imbue" value is deemed too high after a certain amount of training

Grace of Minoc

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What I figured, but maybe the Devs would get on the fix quicker if we helped pinpoint the issue?
Did you notice the bless deviation I mentioned on your dragons?

Thanks for responding.