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Regarding Grizzled Mare and....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I noticed that I can feed a grizzled mare that was trapped in a crystal. But I can't feed an imprisoned dog. Will the dog eventually loose loyalty and go wild? Or if it dies, and is resurrected will it's loyalty revert back to wonderfully happy?

I tried to feed it a tasty treat and it did not want to eat it.

I've heard rumors that the dog can loose loyalty, can anyone verify? And since I can feed the grizzled mare, is it safe to train it up? I'm nervous about what happens to those pets when they die. I do realize that they are bonded, does anyone have first hand experience of having this happen to their grizzled mare?

While on the subject, even though I don't own one... can you feed an albino squirrel? And the Paroxysmus swamp dragon?