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[Selling] Regalia Of The Knights Of The Crux Ansata (Atlantic)



Looking to sell this extremly Rare item. There are only a few in the game.
Looking for 250 mil Or any reasonable offer. Items are welcome in trade. Please ICQ me at 616594707.

Smiley Gladhands

Every single shield I've seen sell for 200-300mil except for one that was sold between guildmembers for 150.

I personally sold mine for 300 to Queen Arya.

Could you please post a screenshot of EM Bennu stating that there are 20? Because he himself does not give numbers out and there were very few of us that had the shield.....like under 10. I would like to know where you got your numbers?

Smiley Gladhands

Ok so its an estimate and there might be 20.

Either way the OP price seems about right imo.

Angel Dust

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I got the number from mantis list. I state buyer beware because mine was stolen few weeks ago by a former guild member. Not sayin this is it, but just givin heads up.