I posted this in the crafters section but got little feedback (I still aprreciate it tho) Just hoping more people will read it here and give me some direction.
Thanks again....
This is how it is listed in the guide....
Intensity Range: 1 - 15
Maximum Attainable: 105
Found On: Armor, Shields
Reflect Physical Damage will reflect a percentage of any physical damage that is inflicted on you back onto the one who inflicted it.
- Does this mean 105 % total?
- Does it apply only to the area/item that is struck at 15% per?
- I PvM full time. Is this more a PvP mod?
My suit is all 70s with 96(%?) RPD and other mods. I want to start swaping out peices. Is it a mod worth the expense of others?
I cant tell how much damage monsters cause to themselves because Im too busy getting hurt
. But I like when an Ogrelord takes that last BIG swing and takes himself out.
If I have a set of sleeves with just an 8 stamina mod and a set with just 15%RPD.. which would benefit me more?
- Is there an old FoF on this ?
Thanks too all.
Thanks again....
This is how it is listed in the guide....
Intensity Range: 1 - 15
Maximum Attainable: 105
Found On: Armor, Shields
Reflect Physical Damage will reflect a percentage of any physical damage that is inflicted on you back onto the one who inflicted it.
- Does this mean 105 % total?
- Does it apply only to the area/item that is struck at 15% per?
- I PvM full time. Is this more a PvP mod?
My suit is all 70s with 96(%?) RPD and other mods. I want to start swaping out peices. Is it a mod worth the expense of others?
I cant tell how much damage monsters cause to themselves because Im too busy getting hurt
If I have a set of sleeves with just an 8 stamina mod and a set with just 15%RPD.. which would benefit me more?
- Is there an old FoF on this ?
Thanks too all.