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Refinements from T-maps

Ducan IronWeaver

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Has anyone found a Invulnerability refinement from a t-map yet?
I have done level 5 and 6 maps allday the last 2 days. Have over 150 total refinements so far and not 1 invul yet.
Just wondering if they can be found with maps or not


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Have you done many in Fel? I've got some 3s and 4s to do, will let you know what I get. Got two invulnerability pieces from fel mibs.

Ducan IronWeaver

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Haven't tried fel maps yet. I only have like 5 or so and was trying to get more before i did them. Will have to try them out 2night


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Got three invulnerability refinements from doing 20 Level 4 Felucca t-maps. Two were in the same chest!

Edited to add: Just got one from a Trammel Level 4 map.
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